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  1. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    Just an observation but if all Christians disagree about the interpretation of Revelation (that is the way it appears short of walking into a church where they are told how and what to believe) then the obvious conclusion is that everyone is wrong! unless maybe one person is right? It appears...
  2. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    When I spoke of the veil being lifted I was referring to us standing with the saints in our new bodies viewing the events of the tribulation taking place.
  3. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    That's the way! I am hoping that when the vail is lifted and we see clearly that I am excited to see it and not disappointed because I had it all wrong. (of coarse I am not talking about the fundamentals of salvation here)
  4. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    I really want to believe that I am looking for truth, as I am reading God's word I'm praying that the Holy Spirit will guide me. When I think of all the Mystery in Revelation I try to avoid painting myself into a corner by saying "I believe this" or "I believe that" once we arrive at that we are...
  5. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    cut and paste G5088
  6. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    I agree about the hour of trial, we are gone! I don't agree about everything after 4:1 being future events. if that is what you are saying? Revelation doesn't appear to me to read like a story book, the events are not in order and they are spread out all over history and the future.
  7. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    Well there is a problem with your bow theory, the word used for bow is not a weapon. then follow back to the root word Look at the 19 times it is used in the bible...
  8. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    I see it as not being a literal thing, Ephesians 6:17 says, "The sword of the spirit is the word of God"
  9. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    Ok I can see you have given this a lot of thought and you know your history but just play along with me here for a minuet. after reading Revelation about a hundred times in the last 6 months things are starting to look different to me and instead of thinking that this is complicated stuff I am...
  10. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    I personally think that the women riding the beast is the RCC and the beast is all the false religions of the world that present themselves under the banner of Christianity. "wolf in sheep's clothing" these are all spin offs of the RCC hence the label "MOTHER OF HARLOTS' So if we can see this...
  11. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    Wow, I am going to have to answer all of that! and me being a hunt and peck guy, haha. It's the Lords day and I have family coming over for a bbq, I will see if I can grind through all of this later tonight? I will just pass this thought along. Revelation appears to be put together like a...
  12. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    when you click on the link you will see the word bow used in Rev 6:2 is used only once in the bible but it is from the root word G5088, if you enter that into the search window you will see that all the references are to Christ
  13. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    Most prophecy is written from the perspective of being outside of time. For instance, Much of the old testament prophecy about Christ is written in present and even past tense. For instance Isaiah 53:5 Consider this, The bible is all about Christ from beginning to end. there have been a lot of...
  14. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    Chapter 17 v10 says there are 7 kings, 5 have fallen, one is and one is yet to come. Now if "one is" he has been around for some period of time? sounds more like a system than a man. I would definitely agree the system is anti Christ!
  15. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    actually it was (take it easy) not (peaceful easy feeling) but I guess it doesn't matter
  16. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    I see in chapter 13 the beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth (false prophet), where do you see this anti-Christ. are you talking about the false prophet?
  17. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    ok, the fourth horseman has been around since the fall of man but the three who are unnamed definitely don't show up until the tribulation?
  18. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    so anti-Christ exactly like Christ? only people who now their horses can tell the difference?
  19. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    True but there has to be a wolf in there somewhere, where in scripture does a lie look just like the truth?