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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    Bro, I took hours to study the Bible about Michael and give you this summary. You answer in mere minutes. I hope at least this study was useful to you or to others on this forum. Anyway I respect your opinion and yes, I hope you will have the opportunity to think and study even more on...
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    Of course I believe there are Bible texts, if not, I would not teach that. I think this is quite interesting to ask what do we gain. Why would Jesus second coming be with the voice of the archangel? (1 Th 4.16) Why does he fight Satan with the name Michael and with all his angels? (Rev 12.7)...
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    HI, I am sorry this is a long study so I took the time to properly get the texts and info for you. Michael is a name of Christ, used in some prophecies. TLDR : Michael means "who is like God" (Christ is like God), he is mentioned doing Christ-like/Godlike actions, "angel" is sometimes used in...
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    Why The Father has no beginning from the context of time

    Thank you @Pilgrimshope and @Rondonmon for your studies. I can see you actually study the Word, eeven if I don't necessarily agree with everything this is great to study with fellow christians :-)
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    The Bible Verse By Verse Continued...

    Jer 15:14 14- And I will make you pass with your enemies into a land which you do not know. For a fire has been kindled in My anger; it shall burn against you.
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    The doctrine of entire sanctification.

    What denomination(s) do you know that preach that doctrine on sanctification ?
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    If Lucifer is the mystery behind our fallacy, who was behind his fall?

    In fact, to go farther: moral evil, in itself, is not a thing, you could even say that it does not exist... This is just the "not-right". Sin is just the refusal of right, a concept. God created all things, not all concepts. Indeed: Col 1:16-19 16- For all things were created in Him, the...
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    If Lucifer is the mystery behind our fallacy, who was behind his fall?

    I don't understand that ... If you define evil as "the possibility not to do right", then yes. But I don't think this is evil, as in "wrong", I think this is freedom, and freedom is right. On the contrary, I define evil as "do something that is not right", and this does not exist until you...
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    If Lucifer is the mystery behind our fallacy, who was behind his fall?

    Have you not experienced that here on earth ? I believe in this kind of sanctification : the experience of loving good so much that evil does not cross your mind as an option anymore. Indeed, sanctification simply means "making holy". If we get holy, our thoughts and feelings get holy too. I...
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    Why The Father has no beginning from the context of time

    Well, I think it is hard to explain, we are kind of studying prophecy with very little context. When the text says "they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases" I don't think it means they will just need to get out around anywhere on the new earth to see this, but that we can go to the lake...
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    Food in the Bible

    Yes and we polluted so much the air, the water and the ground that even 100% organic grown stuff has some levels of chemicals that were never supposed to be there ... They even found polluants from Brazil in Alaska, God have mercy 🙏
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    Food in the Bible

    Oh thank you, I did not notice this detail before :-)
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    Food in the Bible

    Oh merci beaucoup !!! Bravo pour tes efforts !! You did great in writing this message, and I love it :-) Thank you my brother !!! ❤❤❤ I'm sure your French would grow back given the opportunity :-) you have so much left. Que notre Père te bénisse :-)
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    Understanding the Trinity as a doctrine.

    Wow you guys believe that this doctrine is a salvation issue !! I had no idea. I better understand why you get so much into this discussion. To be honest, I believe there is one God, I believe the Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. I believe God is one, in 3 persons...
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    What do you mean? How is that misleading?
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    Understanding the Trinity as a doctrine.

    If this is in answer to my "concern", I would not say I am sad of the truth, I was just concerned by how intense this discussion gets. I wonder why is it so important to you.
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    Understanding the Trinity as a doctrine.

    I have not read the whole thread, but can anyone tell me why this doctrine is important for their daily life with God ? And, if possible, can this doctrine get you lost or saved if you get it wrong ? I have my personnal stand on these questions, but reading some posts I had the feeling that...
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    Haha, I think we use the same Bible versions ! Yes this is fascinating to learn about how people can understand so many different things from the same text. We need the Holy Spirit to guide us to truth 🙏 Of course, if anyone is interested I can go back on "Why Michael is a name of Jesus" from a...
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    Oh I am so sorry 😔, and yes I forgive you 🤗
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    I don't know how my church adapts to that (I will do some research some day to be able to answer more properly to your question). I know that in the space station, there are sunset every few minutes, and it was decided (by jews) for some jewish astronaut that they would keep the timeframe of the...