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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    SDA believe that Jesus knows all things, being God. The usual interpretation I heard was that he chose not to know some things with his human brain, while being on earth.
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    (This post is nicely worded, thank you :))
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    (about liberals and conservatives, this is exagerated, but kind of true. Many conservative Adventists disapprove some Ellen White teachings, and most liberal adventists think EGW was inspired, just not always) Oh... But you asked where in the Bible was the statement that wigs are unhealthy. It...
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    I disagree. I believe it is rigorous interpretation of prophecy. To ask "if X is wrong" is problematic to me. I don't want to think in the direction "if truth was wrong". But I can make a similar thought experiment to try to help you understand my belief. "If the church of W believe that the...
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    This is true. I would just add that Ellen White is officially recognized by our Church for her prophetic gift. The following is quoted from our "fundamental belief". I should note that these beliefs are NOT disciplinary. If you don't belief that, you can still be Seventh-Day Adventist, it's...
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    Yes I agree. We all should refrain to behave like animals or excite others (male or female) to do so. I guess there is something schoking there for you, but Idk what. I read this passage recently in a book, and I think it is very insightful. However I am not married yet :sneaky: I can talk more...
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    The doctrine of entire sanctification.

    @justbyfaith Hey, I have an actual question, "after the original regeneration and sanctification, do you keep being sanctified? I mean, do you think we keep growing in holiness during our life?"
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    Answered this here ;)
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    There are a few denominations that are Adventist or that come from the Adventist original revival, and we keep that name also to uphold the memory of the revival movement in the 1840s that lead to the name "Adventist".
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    I don't know of any official position of the SDA Church about the day of the week in which Jesus will come. Personally, I would not think it would be on the seventh day of the week, because it looks like something to do on the first or sixth day, as a hommage to creation of the earth or of man...
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    Sorry, I did not mean I know better. I was just telling you I was sorry for you, and I meant it, because I don't want to inappropriate stuff that would in anyway be problematic to you.
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    :unsure: hum...sorry that you have this impression.
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    Oh I missed these questions. 1> Last time was yesterday I would say. I'm about to have my time now again :) This is daily bread 2> I have been hungry all my life, but I guess these last months I have been super hungry since I had to battle depression. But don't worry, Christ gave me a victory...
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    Oh wow. Thank you very much for asking an actual question, this is nice :) I can't explain everything you mentionned here, much amazing prophecies are quoted. But specifically about your question, "what does a 7th day think of what Jesus is saying here", I would answer simply about the mystery...
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    I am surprised how you state your belief without argument. Plenty evidence have been presented, no arguments have been presented against it. I am under the impression that you have no counter-argument, neither biblical nor logical, except "This is not so, because I said so".
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    Let me explain this. John the Baptist is NOT an angel in nature ---> still he can be called an angel by Jesus in a prophetic manner. Similarly, Jesus is NOT an angel in nature -----> still we understand from the Bible that he can be called Michael the Archangel.
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    I agree to disagree :) It is biblical as I extensively explained earlier About Heb 1.6, as Paul describes in this chapter very well, Jesus is NOT an angel. I am sorry it this was not clearly explained, SDA...
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    The doctrine of entire sanctification.

    Oh wait. No. There are some major differences in the terms we use about sanctification, but I personally think that the final concepts are similar. The point is, after the original regeneration and sanctification, do you keep being sanctified, do you think we keep growing in holiness during...
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    The doctrine of entire sanctification.

    Very interesting. I believe this is also part of conservative mainstream Seventh-Day Adventist theology (which makes sense, many Adventists recognize Wesley as a pioneer of the Gospel). But it is also challenged in our churches by more liberal theologians. I don't know anything about the...
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    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    This could sound illogical 😅 I meant trying to be like God without being obedient and trustful to God.