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    OT Kingdom to The NT Kingdom

    These people did not even have a chance to refuse the mark of the beast, they were dead before Jesus even died on the cross. Nothing to do with Revelation 20.
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    OT Kingdom to The NT Kingdom

    Yeah, Rome, more specifically vatican. The city who runs the kings of the earth, everyone goes to see the pope. Jerusalem never was a big player, still isn't
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    OT Kingdom to The NT Kingdom

    The first resurrection in Revelation 20 is not speaking about Jesus' resurrection not even a bit lol The first resurrection of Rev 20 is of the SAINTS, the people who did not bow down to the beast...
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    OT Kingdom to The NT Kingdom

    When is this in history? Let me guess, AD70?
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    OT Kingdom to The NT Kingdom

    One way to make the Bible difficult is to try to insert difficult complex theories to Revelation 20. It is not as mystical as the amillennialist would have you believe, they want to paint it in that light cause their system is very much incapable of explaining away the first resurrection. Here...
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    OT Kingdom to The NT Kingdom

    @pittsburghjoe Can you do an exegesis real quick on Revelation 20:1-14? Could you explain to me the first and second resurrections
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    OT Kingdom to The NT Kingdom

    Most definitely satan is a dead man walking so to speak, already defeated at the cross. However the binding in Revelation 20 is talking about deception, he is bound so that he cannot deceive the nations no longer, yet we see the nations deceived.
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    OT Kingdom to The NT Kingdom

    If satan is bound why is Christianity deceived? Why is the devil deceiving the entire earth as the Bible says? Why did Jesus say shall He find faith on earth when he returns?
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    Trinitarian analogy

    amen! I believe all of it
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    Trinitarian analogy

    You talk about some oneness cult, but your crystal clear definition is not crystal clear in the Bible. 1 Corinthians 8:6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. John 17:3 And this is...
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    Trinitarian analogy

    Plot twist: No need for analogies or theological trickery. There is one God the Father, who has a Son who is called Jesus Christ and operates in the world through His Spirit.
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    Russia Preparing for War.

    This is my opinion on it as well. Russia is surrounded on all sides, I am shocked they have been this patient and long-suffering with the NATO bullies. NATO defends "Western values" which are evil values more often than not with sodomy being the main "human right" concern. "Democracy"...
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    Russia Preparing for War.

    Yup. Literally nothing about Russia. Also what is considered "north" in the bible is not Russia or Canada. Its north [of Israel]
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    Interpreting the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: It's Really Good News!

    Obviously its a parable as no one can talk to the unsaved in heaven and no one can talk to Abraham in hell.
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    Have you heard the gosel lately.

    Yeah I have and so has everyone else in Europe and America. Lets start giving them more of the Gospel than the 101 Jesus died for you presentation? Or would that just be works? Can't do that!
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    If The Kingdom isn't here yet then what is JESUS CHRIST a King of?

    I haven't read all 67 pages but I would like to ask the amillennialists present to go through Revelation 20, which is something their position makes difficult to do. For reasons such as: -Spiritualizing the first resurrection when it says "rest of the dead" did not live until after 1000 years...
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    If The Kingdom isn't here yet then what is JESUS CHRIST a King of?

    I don't believe animal sacrifices return as the levitical priesthood is done for, we are now in the melchizedek priesthood of Jesus.
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    If The Kingdom isn't here yet then what is JESUS CHRIST a King of?

    YOu say this, yet Adam and Eve sinned against God with all the evidence. Judas sinned, Ananias and Sapphira sinned. People have proof all over the place, and still sin. Face it, Jesus is not ruling on this earth right now. Jesus does have all authority in heaven and earth. But anyone with...
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    Robert Morris says Jonathan had a "Jezebel spirit"

    There is no jezebel spirit in the new testament, but they get that idea from the mention of the woman jezebel in the book of Revelation. Ironically this same gateway church is everything that is wrong with Christianity today with their worldliness. They talk about grace, and are the most...
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    Robert Morris says Jonathan had a "Jezebel spirit"

    These hogwash pastors of today are just after people's money. Even atheists see through these guys, I wonder why professing Christians don't.