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  1. I

    What Gospel is for us ?

    If you believe 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is all there is to the Gospel, you my friend have a very unbiblical and limited understanding of it. Galatians 2:11-14 11 But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed. 12 For before that certain came from...
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    Why do false prophets continue to flourish?

    Take heed to this word of Jesus. Do not be deceived by "orthodoxy" or what is popular. Jesus made it clear, the majority IS wrong, not may be wrong, IS wrong. Shall Jesus find faith on earth at the second advent? We are talking small numbers, now, if everything with a cross on it was...
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    Will the world come to an end?

    Thank you for the answer, as scary as it is to me. Can you answer this one as well: When will this end? Will people just forever be born and sin will never be eradicated? I firmly believe this spiritualizing of the resurrection is extremely dangerous
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    Will the world come to an end?

    Ah are you a full preterist? I have a question for you: Why didn't the resurrection occur? The destruction of the current earth is connected to the return of Jesus which is connected to the resurrection. Even if we symbolize the earth and heaven, we cannot symbolize the resurrection...
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    Will the world come to an end?

    What is the heaven and earth in the BIble? I say they are this place we are in, as I proved in my opinion with the Bible verse in Peter where the old earth was "destroyed" by water.
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    Has the Gospel been preached in all the world?

    True. Japan is a prime example of this, there has been much missionairy activity in Japan but to no use. They just will not accept the Gospel.
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    Will the world come to an end?

    This is true, the earth will remain, but there will still be a new heaven and new earth. How is this possible? Because "New Earth" doesnt mean the previous one will be destroyed, Peter contrasts this with the flood of Noah, where the earth was destroyed yet the globe is still here ;) 2 Peter...
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    Has the Gospel been preached in all the world?

    He certainly did say that, I believe he meant the roman empire, not the entire 4 corners of the earth as we know factually the native americans did not receive the gospel for centuries and centuries
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    Has the Gospel been preached in all the world?

    That is an interesting view. I would add one verse to your arsenal if its not there already (sorry haven't read all your posts so don't know) Hebrews 8:13 By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear. So that...
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    Has the Gospel been preached in all the world?

    You tell me, what came to an end?
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    Has the Gospel been preached in all the world?

    This is something to consider, wise words. Many many preachers go from church to church preaching the gospel to christian people who already have heard about Jesus. We should be going outside the church, that is where the Gospel is needed, now I am not blaming these preachers because one...
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    Jesus Came To Fulfill Not To Destroy

    Which part? Are you one of those dispensationalists who disregard what Jesus said as just law and its Paul's epistles only? Because if you are, no problem,. Paul also repeats the commandments in Romans 13:9 ;)
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    Jesus Came To Fulfill Not To Destroy

    Did you respond to the wrong message? I am not talking about picking and choosing, I said we should simply do what the New Testament commands us to do. And it just so happens that some of the things like Thou shalt not steal, is a commandment in the new covenant as well. Is the new testament...
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    Jesus Came To Fulfill Not To Destroy

    I agree. What I believe is, we should follow the OT commandments that the New Testament says apply to us. For example, of the 10 commandments, all of them are listed except for the Sabbath. That leads me to believe they are still binding in the New Covenant. (Romans 13:9 etc) In other words...
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    Pride and Humility can never co-exist

    Being humble is just one of my excellent qualities.
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    Christmas VS Xmas

    That is a common phrase thrown around in Christianity but totally unbiblical. We aren't called to take paganism and rebrand it as something Christian. That is where we went wrong, seeker sensitive follows this same ideology. We are told to be separate, not be like the heathens and not conform...
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    Christmas VS Xmas

    It is pagan yule no matter how it is written. Don't go with the ways of the heathen, be separate. Jeremiah 10, "christmas trees" are nothing new.
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    Soul sleep is a false doctrine

    I used to not believe in soul sleep, then I listened through a debate about it, and it put my soul to sleep.
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    New argument for Jesus being God

    1 Corinthians 15:45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
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    The true transmission of the Gospel through time

    This is just baptist propaganda. The Cathari was a gnostic group. Definitely not baptist. Donatists argued that Christian clergy must be faultless for their ministry to be effective and their prayers and sacraments to be valid. That is definitely not baptists who are usually once saved...