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  1. I

    Will people who miss the rapture have a chance to be saved?

    It does have to be unsaved people who they are ruling because after the millennium people will be incited by the devil to rebel once more.
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    One taken,one left. The rapture.

    Can you show me in the text the two comings? That would prove the pre-trib rapture
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    One taken,one left. The rapture.

    Yeah the flood took them away.
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    One taken,one left. The rapture.

    Where does it say "Before the flood one taken one left?"
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    One taken,one left. The rapture.

    It does say that, this should settle any and all controversy around the subject.
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    One taken,one left. The rapture.

    That is just absolutely amazing. The vulture language is definitely not something good. Read REvelation 19 to see what the vultures actually mean, they are eating the corpses of the people, not good, you dont want to be taken to that supper.
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    One taken,one left. The rapture.

    Here is the post judgment: Revelation 19, after the vials and all that. Matthew 24:29-31, AFTER. Egypt, AFTER. When Israel was protected while on the earth, from the plagues that were put on Egypt. Same thing happening in the book of revelation. 1 Thessalonians 4:16 the famous rapture passage...
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    One taken,one left. The rapture.

    OR: Lot remained, others taken from this earth. Enoch left, nothing to do with any of this as it happened DECADES (if not centuries iirc) before the noah's flood. Noah was left on the earth, the rest perished and were removed from the earth.
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    One taken,one left. The rapture.

    You can also see it as: Lot remained on the earth, the rest of the city did not, they perished.
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    You are still a slave to sin if you are still doing them. JESUS Gifted us The Way to Overcome!

    I like it how on a Christian forum anyone who comes in and preaches even a bit of righteousness with no "but we all mess up doe, nobody perfect doe" sprinkled on top they get banned lol. Christian forums in 2022. Im out. Christianity is the only faith that has abandoned the teachings of its...
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    The lie that we are sinless if we are saved

    It is 2022 after all :D I see you actually got banned.
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    The lie that we are sinless if we are saved

    Doesn't the bible teach the opposite that it does? Isaiah 59:2 But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear.
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    Which one's the Pale Rider?

    What an amazing post! I find the Reuben Dan Empraim and Judah symbolism intriguing.
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    Is America evil?

    Yes it is, but so is every other country. The world lieth in wickedness.
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    OT Kingdom to The NT Kingdom

    On this part we agree, whether the mark is literal and the buying is literal, one thing we can both agree on is the whole book of Revelation is about we either side with God and His commandments, or devil's side and go our own way.
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    OT Kingdom to The NT Kingdom

    The thing is, the people who were resurrected in Matthew 27, never even saw Nero. Nero was not even ruling when they had died.
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    OT Kingdom to The NT Kingdom

    No you really aren't making any sense whatsoever, you are equating eschatology to sin. It is hilarious because the all the people I know who are living righteous are premilllennials, the only amillennialists i know of are churchianity people like calvinists and catholics and lutherans with no...
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    OT Kingdom to The NT Kingdom

    Even if you believe it was in the past, it still wouldn't work because the mark of the beast comes AFTER Jesus' resurrection, not before it. And the people in Matthew 27 do not fit that time frame, they had already died. Also Paul says some were wrecking the faith of many by teaching the...
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    OT Kingdom to The NT Kingdom

    What does eschatology have to do with sinning? You know the mother of harlots the catholic church teaches amillennalism? Didn't stop them from living in sin and depravity. You can sin no matter what eschatology view you hold to.