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  1. R

    Understanding the Trinity as a doctrine.

    No, Jesus is the Most High in Sprit, he is God as is the Holy Spirit as is the Father. Jesus was the Man in Linen in Dan. chapter 12. During the creation of man, the verse says, Let US create man in OUR image and in OUR likeness. So, they have always been one in Sprit. Not understanding that...
  2. R

    What does, “But the one who endures to the end will be saved” mean?

    Yes, the Figurative 7 Headed Beast is defeated by the Church full of the Holy Spirit because the gates of hell can not overcome the Church. Thus the Beast resides o both sides of the Church, bit only after the Pre Trib Rapture. And yes, I read your posts below, you are in error in the timing f...
  3. R

    What does, “But the one who endures to the end will be saved” mean?

    Paul gave us a clue later, we run a Marathon, not a sprint, we must run the full race to the end. Most people simply do not understand Matt 24's purpose. Jesus wanted the Disciples to understand THEIR MISSION after he died, so he laid out all the pitfalls that were about to come their way a...
  4. R

    Understanding the Trinity as a doctrine.

    It's better explained in the manner Jesus used to explain complex problems unto his Disciples via examples, or in other words parable-like form, which juxtaposes the problem against a real-world situation. So, is Jesus God the Father or the Holy Spirit? No, they are all three different...
  5. R

    Earth Age

    Well, I agree it doesn't matter at all per se as pertaining to time in general, but here is how it does matter. Let's say some souls are lost because they look at our Six-Day Creation understanding and the first thing they say is well, they lied about Santa Clause, its a fable, they are probably...
  6. R

    Earth Age

    This is just nonsensical, God created the Lights in the Univers so that they do not obey the Laws of Nature, which is what God used to create this universe with, so He could "HURRY UP" the process, what God doesn't need to HURRY UP ANYTHING, God lives in ALL TIME and thus as soon as God created...
  7. R

    Earth Age

    Not at all, Evening and Morning simply means beginning and ending of a day, in this instant that time period is the beginning and end of a period of time that began with Complete Darkness (there were no Stars for the first 400 million years) and thus ended with sunlight being birthed AND the...
  8. R

    Earth Age

    I'm glad you understand facts, now do you understand even harder facts, Jesus is the son of God and God the Father, God the Son/Redeemer, and God the Holy Spirit created the universe 13.7 billion years ago, day one as it is "known" is really YOWM 1 and the Hebrew word used for YOWM is used as a...
  9. R

    Matthew 24:14 vs Colossians 1:5-6

    No, you don't get the concept of truth and untruth, I am not here or do not discuss anything to PLAY GAMES. We are called to PKAY GAMES, I will let you guys do that. When people teach stuff as of God when it is nit it has to be called out as a Christian duty, Jesus called it out Paul called it...
  10. R

    Why Daniel's 70th week must be in the future

    I understand end-time prophecy used to seem almost indecipherable to me also. But one day after praying why are these things being shown unto us during these end times the Holy Spirit was like "Ron, you guys already know it all" and I understood from that moment on 5 years ago God wanted me to...
  11. R

    Why Daniel's 70th week must be in the future

    Man, you really have a hard time understanding the scriptures, don't you? When we rely on our own self, that happens, the Holy Spirt should be showing you these things, something is off when you can't see these simple things, I might could see you not understanding the 1260, 1290 and 1335...
  12. R

    Why Daniel's 70th week must be in the future

    Heaven will not have ANY SIN, where do you guys get this stuff brother? Why do you think Jesus told Mary TOUCH ME NOT when she saw him after the Resurrection? He had not yet ascended unto the Father to offer the Sacrifice, thus Mary merely touching Jesus would have defiled the Sacrfice !! Why do...
  13. R

    Why Daniel's 70th week must be in the future

    I wouldn't worry about the whole 70-year stuff brother as per the TIME CLOCK. It is an erroneous understanding. Look at the Parable of the FigTree, what does it really say? It says whatever Generation sees ALL THESE SIGNS, thus what were the signs and who saw the LAST SIGN Jesus gave? It's just...
  14. R

    Matthew 24:14 vs Colossians 1:5-6

    Those that are shown to be teaching untruths must understand the holy word of God, if you claim something is of the Holy Spirit and it's not Jesus' own words say that is an unforgivable sin if you know it to be untrue, do you not understand that? It is one thing to be in error and to even not...
  15. R

    Why did the Most High God create sin?

    Carry on, tbh, you aren't worth me wasting my time, I wipe off the dust from my feet on people like you.
  16. R

    Why did the Most High God create sin?

  17. R

    Why Daniel's 70th week must be in the future

    I am out to destroy False Testimony that leads other Christians astray and down rabbit holes. So, your misunderstandings need to be destroyed, and the Holy Spirits' truth will always do just that. I hope you don't think your untruths should stand !! God says different, you have been warned you...
  18. R

    Why Daniel's 70th week must be in the future

    No, the Church is full of sinners who need God's grace. Thus there is yet to be set up EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS.
  19. R

    Matthew 24:14 vs Colossians 1:5-6

    You are wrong, you have been warned, keep preaching untruth and God will duly judge your effort on judgment day
  20. R

    Why did the Most High God create sin?

    How about you don't worry about what I say or don't say. You sound like a liberal.