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  1. R

    Jesus Came To Fulfill Not To Destroy

    You missed the point. Just like Males and Females are ONE IN Christ but still DIFFERENT SEXES, Jews and Gentiles are indeed ONE in Christ but still DIFFERENT. So Paul is not emphasizing the point that the Church has taken the place of the Jews calling, God says His calling is without...
  2. R

    Jesus Came To Fulfill Not To Destroy

    Sorry, about the spelling, but when I get finished with a post on most sites, I have something to do and thus I hit post, but only on this site can you not edit after 5 minutes, I have zero understanding why. ANYWAY........ The Law was added because of Sin, but once the Promised Seed (Jesus)...
  3. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    I did answer the question, the question is everything ever known to God is not always given unto mankind explicitly, so you have to go by what little we have on the subject and use COMMON SENSE. Since the Jews were placed in a holding place, and since we are raised (those who die) at the LAST...
  4. R

    ERROR: That the Body of Christ becoming complete depends on a certain number of Gentiles.

    The Gospel is about Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ. That is preached during the 70th wee by the Two-witnesses unto the Jews only (by them) and unto the who world by an Angel (Rev. 14:6). No one stated the gospel would not be preached during the 70th week, th8s people can indeed be saved...
  5. R

    Jesus Came To Fulfill Not To Destroy

    Do you even realize you just made the argument for me? Probably not because most people get this chapter COMPLETELY WRONG. This chapter is not telling everyone that te=he Jews and Gentiles are ONE (even though we are the same unto Gid by Faith, just like a Male and Female are seen as the same...
  6. R

    ERROR: That the Body of Christ becoming complete depends on a certain number of Gentiles.

    The Fulness of their (our since I am a gentile) Mission/Calling. We are the ones called to Harvest souls during the Summer Harvest Period. The Jewish peoples had two harvests, the Spring Harvest (Israel birthed Jesus) and the Summer Harvest (we have been given the mantle of taking the Gospel of...
  7. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    I spelled it out earlier, but I will use fewer scriptures that way we can isolate the verse that shows what happens. 1 Cor. 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We...
  8. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    Yes, because Jesus had to go to the Father, offer the sacrifice, then bring back the gift to his (Church) Bride. Every Jewish Bride received a gift. The father of the bride had to ve paid also. (via Jesus' blood) Selection of the Bride Jewish Wedding - The Son chooses the Bride – the Father...
  9. R

    Jesus Came To Fulfill Not To Destroy

    God's LAW is fulfilled in Jesus in that there must be a BLOOD SACRIFICE for Sin, thus Jesus did not destroy that law, but he fulfilled it. Laws simply mean God's Righteous Rules. Why was the Law added 430 years after the Promise? Well, Gal. chapter 3 tells us, because of TRANSGRESSIONS, but it...
  10. R

    ERROR: That the Body of Christ becoming complete depends on a certain number of Gentiles.

    The Fulness of the Gentiles means the Curch Age dispensation of the Gospel, not a SET NUMBER, God's true set number is every man who ever lived, hence the words "for God would not that any man should perish". Thus God's desire is the full allotment, but of course, God foreknows the exact number...
  11. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    Now show that to me in scriptures, because YU CAN'T, but I can show you where we are raised at the Rapture in 1 Cor 15. I can show you where Daniel is told he will stand in his lot at the VERY END. All you have is men's belief that we go straight to Heaven. It is not factual. The difference is I...
  12. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    About the right speed, I expected from you, when you can't argue the facts, avoid them, then pretend you have to go, LOL.
  13. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    WRONG, reread it, it says that ONLY THOSE who refused the Mark of the Best are Judged here, meaning you have to have lived through the 70th-week tribulation. Meanwhile, Rev. 4:4 SHOWS WITHOUT A DOUBT, the Church is in Heaven BEFORE the Seals are opened. Yiu will not ever win a debate with me on...
  14. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    The only problem with this (and she may be a fine woman of God, I didn't know er per se, have heard of her, glimpsed at her videos a wee bit) is she can't compare the two because Jesus only brought ack the Holy Spirit after his resurrection, so the FORMER (Baptism via the water) may have been a...
  15. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    I didn't say they were Raptured with the Gentile Church (though some Jews will be) and thus they are not seen in 1 Thess. 4 at all. What I am saying, and have said, is that the 144,00 like the Woman in Rev. 12 is a CODE for ALL Israel who repents, nothing more and nothing less. You accept that...
  16. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    Here is your biggest problem sir, you do not understand, it seems, Paul was the Pastor of all these Churches and he was dealing with many things you don't se because you never get to see the Thessalonian's actual letters to Paul. So try thinking it through, then cross-referencing scriptures. So...
  17. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    This will go in one ear and out the other, or like most of you, you will ignore it and make the same illogical statement 1000 more times, but here goes (cover your eyes and say, na na na na na na na na na na na na). The Church is CLEARLY SEEN in heaven BEFORE the Seals are ever opened by Jesus...
  18. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    I didn't say that, I stated the 144,000 measurements of New Jerusalem is also a CODE for the complete New Jerusalems dimensions, it is not 144,000 cubits. The 144,000 is all the Jews who repent, that is why all the 12 tribes are named, then TIMED 12 x 10 which just so happens to equal Fulness...
  19. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    In many instances God does use Sleeping as not being "Alert to our Sin Nature" but in this instance, I don't think that is the case, because Jesus is comparing this to a real-life Jewish Wedding, and the Groom was usually sent by the father after midnight, so in order to go out and meet the...
  20. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    You totally missed what you just cited right there, when Jesus returns, the Jews will then utter "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" thus they are saved by Faith BEFORE Jesus returns. Why do the 2/3 get CUT OFF and die if the Jews don't repent before the 2nd Coming? That is...