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  1. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    The 144,000 are all the Jews who repent, seen HERE...... Zechariah 13:8 And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. 9 And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as...
  2. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    What makes us worthy? Jesus' blood, thus they left their first love, thus they have not the Holy Spirit in them. The Holy Spirit will leave those who sin WILFULLY, God can not abide sin. When Jesus took all of our sins upon him, God left him all alone on the cross, thus "My God, my God, why have...
  3. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    This is what Jesus meant when he said Blessed is the "Poor in Spirit", he did;t mean blessed are the poor, he meant blessed are those who can never get enough of the Holy Spirit, but who continually thirst for in infilling of Gods Holy Spirit. Of course, those who have not the Holy Spirit when...
  4. R

    Genesis 1 and 2 ~ Creation

    It is 'Literal" but the word day is the Hebrew word YOWM which simply means "PERIOD OF TIME" and the correct time must then be described. That is why YOWM is described as 50, plus things, Year, Months, Everlasting, Day, Whole, etc., etc. Thus that TIE PERIOD which needed to be placed in the...
  5. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    The 10 Virgins represent all Christendom, the number 10 always equals Completion. References to this in the bible: 1.) The 10 Commandments is a stand-in for all of God's Law. 2.) In Rev. 2:10 we see that Smyrna was told they would have tribulation for 10 days (The Complete Church Age) 3.)...
  6. R

    Benny Hinn says right atmosphere necessary before God can manifest

    Been listening to Satan and the world hey? When I see someone like you, I know I can't trust any judgment you have PERIOD, you can't even decipher the works of the holy spirit, YOUR TYPES were belittling Jesus when he was alive as a false prophet 2000 years ago. How are people even calli g...
  7. R

    Benny Hinn says right atmosphere necessary before God can manifest

    The only thing that's clear is you do not you understand the Holy Spirit sad really, you do understand that you just called the Holy Spirits work a "staged event". I wonder if you even understand what the unpardonable sin is. Message board warriors, let me guess, you are also Post Trib, it...
  8. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    The bible says n0 such thing, it's just you not understanding the bible on this point sir.
  9. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    You are taking this TOO FAR because the Day and Hour IS NOT a Season. Jesus told us we can know the Season and should know the Season in Matt. 24:32-35. The Day and hour is a reference to the Feast of Trumps (think LAST TRUMP) which always ended THE SUMMER HARVEST (Think Chuch Age). So, Jesus...
  10. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    That is a little more nuanced than most people understand, the truth is the Season couldn't be understood by those who asked the question, but as we see in Daniel 12, during the very end times, we can then understand the Seasons and Times we are in very clearly, because everything revolves...
  11. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    No, we are given the Holy Spirit that leads us unto ALL TRUTH, we don't have to wait to know the truth my friend, that's a Satan "White lie", just like the "Thou Shalt Not Surely Die" white lie. Facts are facts, all it does for me is show me peoples judgment I know I can not trust on almost...
  12. R

    Daniel 9:26-27, 70 Weeks

    John was called tp a different thing than Peter or Paul. The Beloved was given the chore of the book of Revelation. It is not something we can't understand. But ot is something most people can not understand without God giving them the answers, or understanding another person is blessed with...
  13. R

    Daniel 9:26-27, 70 Weeks

    Firstly, your timing is off by 2000 years, the prince that shall come is not Satan, it is the End Time Anti-Christ. There were no Chapters and verses, so if the translators were confused, they thus left their readers with their confusion. Dan. 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the...
  14. R

    What does, “But the one who endures to the end will be saved” mean?

    I assume you meant SENT for the Jews only. (I have lots of typos also on here, you can only edit for 5 minutes, which makes no sense, so I don't even try) So my reply would be this. Matt. 15:22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on...
  15. R

    Earth Age

    And this has absolutely nothing to do with the TIMING we were speaking of above my friend. No one is arguing that God didn't design everything, you just insist He did ot in 6 days and I understand God did his design over 13.7 billion years our time. Do you even understand Space-Time is curved...
  16. R

    What does, “But the one who endures to the end will be saved” mean?

    Anyone can renounce God just like Judas did. Don't kid yourself with the once saved always saved jargon.
  17. R

    What does, “But the one who endures to the end will be saved” mean?

    CONTINUED In this verse Jesus tells the Church they will not go through the tribulation, BUT in Rev. 2:10, Rev. 3:5, and Rev. 3:21 we see THREE THINGS that those seen in Rev. 4:4 have which are PROMISES to the Church who OVERCOME. Rev. 2:10 = the CROWN of life. Rev. 3:5 = the White Raiment...
  18. R

    What does, “But the one who endures to the end will be saved” mean?

    I will show you, but what you don't seem to grasp is Jesis same for the Jews ONLY, he said so, not anyone else, he wouldn't even listen to a Samaritan woman, but eventually healed her daughter because of her great faith. So, Jesus spoke about when he would rescue the Jews, at the Second Coming...
  19. R

    Earth Age

    They are Dumb in that they deny God, not in their field per se, if you used common sense you would have known this way my point, do you think the Pharisees were dumb? No, but God used the Disciples because SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING they were dumb. Any man that goes to hell instead of accepting the...
  20. R

    Earth Age

    Wrong, it is NONSENSICAL to say God has to change the "Laws of Nature" He created in order to "HURRY UP TIME" when God Hmself is not impatient AND God lives in ALL TIME at once, so as soon as he created the Heavens and the earth, Gid lived in the finished creation, just as he lives in the future...