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  1. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    You have confused yourself here, a plain reading of what I stated above is that the First Resurrection happens both Pre Trib AND after the Second Coming, (over a 7 Year Period of time). The Church is raised because we go to Marry Jesus the Lamb, since the Old Testament Saints are God's Bride...
  2. R

    Liberal and Conservative Christianity are both false

    Yes, we should never trust in these people, but if you notice, when the votes stop coming in these people CHANGE colors like chameleons. There would be no abortion now if ALL Christians held these people to task. There would be no homosexual marriage if all Christians held these people to task...
  3. R

    Liberal and Conservative Christianity are both false

    Tats because you want to call it politics, I don't, I call it what John did, its not politics, its calling out EVIL. You and others use this as an excuse to not do what needs to be done. Jesus called the Pharisees vipers/devils and told them they would all be going to hell "(of course he knew, I...
  4. R

    Liberal and Conservative Christianity are both false

    This world has Evil Leaders/Pols no doubt, the difference in Rome, Greece, Babylon etc. is for the most part they were run by the few, the tyrants, and we could say even those with a form of representative Gov. back then had no understanding of the God of Abraham. Today, we in the USA have a...
  5. R

    Liberal and Conservative Christianity are both false

    This is why we have abortion on demand around the world and homosexual marriage folks, people think the Church should just be silent and accept this evil world. John the Baptist was beheaded for calling out the evil of King Herod and his mistress Salome. Many, many, many of the great Prophets...
  6. R

    Liberal and Conservative Christianity are both false

    Yes, but I am keeping it in the Biblical realm. Not what it means in a broader sense.
  7. R

    Liberal and Conservative Christianity are both false

    You don't even understand these things are a PROVEN FALSEHOOD. Reagan CUT TAXES and brought in MORE REVENUE, it almost tripled. The top 1 percent pay 40 percent of all the Federal Taxes, the Bottom 50 Percent pays literally nothing. The top 5 percent pay 60 percent of all the taxes, the top 10...
  8. R

    Liberal and Conservative Christianity are both false

    The word Conservatism means to to keep things as they are or tp conserve the traditions as known, the word Progressive means to progress from the things that are unto the things as we see them as best for mankind. (Men's ideals/Humanism). You are the one placing Politics on these ideals, you...
  9. R

    Would God forgive if a sin was my nature?

    Only if we REPENT and TURN, that is the whole point, God wants us to TURN from our Sin Nature, the curse we received from listening to Satan, and to TURN unto His ways with the HELP of the Holy Spirit. So, Gd wants to TRANSFOEM US, so in essence, God will FORGIVE NOTHIG, without repentance, if...
  10. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    Yes, and the tagline First Resurrection simply is speaking about those raised in Christ both Pre Trib. AND those in Revelation 20:4 we refused the Mark of the Beast and became Martyrs, they get Judged at tat time so they are a part of the First Resurrection also. People can UNDESTAND {LOL} that...
  11. R

    Why The Father has no beginning from the context of time

    The Second Death is after the 1000 year reign and after the New Heaven and earth. Since Peter tells us this earth will one day be a ball of fire in 2 Peter 3:10: 2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise...
  12. R

    Why The Father has no beginning from the context of time

    They are right in that Jesus was the MAN/Flesh that Emanuel (God with us) came unto us in named Jesus. But Jesus was/is an eternal being, the Son of God as is the Holy Spirit. The Father has the abundance of the Glory. So, I can see how some confuse the issue, their are man people who do not...
  13. R

    Why The Father has no beginning from the context of time

    The above have nothing to do with God being Eternal but God's Creation not being eternal.
  14. R

    Why The Father has no beginning from the context of time

    Yes, God knew the Mountain I live on but it had a beginning (I don't live on a mountain, just making a point). Angels were created, all things crated had a beginning, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are Eternal, the opposite of God is eternal, this is why I tell everyone Satan is not eternal...
  15. R

    Why The Father has no beginning from the context of time

    We can't be eternal because we were created and we all had a finite beginning. Eternal means always was and always will be. Thus God is the alpha and omega. He lives outside of time (our universe). This s how he can know our beginning and our future. He lives n all eternity at once.
  16. R

    Why The Father has no beginning from the context of time

    Yes, God uses numbers and 7 and 10 mean completion, and anything TIMED by 10 places added EMPHASIS on COMPLETION. In other words the 144,000 are the same CODE as The Woman in Rev. 12, because its Fulness x Completion or 12 x 12 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 144,000 or ALL Israel who repents, which Zechariah...
  17. R

    Why The Father has no beginning from the context of time

    Read it very closely, it says King of Salem, that IS King of Peace, in other words the word used for Salem means Peace. #4532 Σαλήμ Salem {sal-ame'} of Hebrew origin H8004; TDNT - n/a; n pr loc —Greek Word Study (Transliteration-Pronunciation Etymology & Grammar) Salem = "peace" 1) the...
  18. R

    Why The Father has no beginning from the context of time

    He doesn't seem to understand that just like the Man in Linen in Daniel chapter 12, Melchizedek was a pre incarnate Jesus, thus he was not born yet, and he is God, thus he's Eternal, thus God has no father nor mother. Instead of adding the obvious up they have to bring forth a seeming...
  19. R

    Why The Father has no beginning from the context of time

    Rischard Deem is the best Christian at answering all these things, he explains why the Universe has to be the EXACT SIZE it is even if Humans on earth are the only creatures in the universe Size of the Universe: Isn't it Too Large to Have Been Created by God for Humanity...
  20. R

    Why The Father has no beginning from the context of time

    Because God is not from this Universe and this universe is a Space Time Continuum. Its really that simple, if God was from THIS UNIVERSE He would have to have a starting point, but He s not from this Universe. Quantum Fluctuations started our Universe, it was outside our Universe, before our...