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  1. R

    Reading The First Five Chapters Of Revelations Without Stopping

    King David paid for his sins the rest of his life, it divided his family up, he had to kill Absalom, so he paid a steep price for having Absalom killed. The difference however between David and other Kings is when faced with God's accusation, via Nathan the Prophet, David repented, other kings...
  2. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    That's not my problem per se is it? I am the type to never say anything is this way or that way, when I was called unto prophecy, it took me over 30 years to understand what all this stuff meant in full, and during that time no one ever saw me saying this is this and that means this and that...
  3. R

    Reading The First Five Chapters Of Revelations Without Stopping

    It is no theory, its facts. The problem is you are trying to make God subject to TIME, He is not subject to time as we humans are. He is not from this universe and God only created this time construct (universe) for us, and maybe the Angels before us. God sees things differently from us firstly...
  4. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    No I understand it because when the Hoy Spirit gives it to me, I know his voice, this is MY CALLING, it may not be yours so maybe you will never see it, it is what it is. Your whole answer above is not logical. You surmise, "you (me) gave NO IDEA", well, yes I do, this has been my calling of...
  5. R

    Reading The First Five Chapters Of Revelations Without Stopping

    My Blog of 5 years ago already answers this. I gave you the answer as in Dan. 9:24-27 but verse 24 defines it. Daniel's 70 Weeks Decree against Israel In Daniel 9:24, Daniel prophesied that these six things must come to pass before this judgment against Israel would be fulfilled. Some think...
  6. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    It's the 6th Vial, not 6th Seal. I notice you tried to conflate them improperly. That is a NO NO. Famines always come from Wars in General, BUT when you have 1/3 of the World wiped out an I think that 1/3 of the USA/Canada region, and we are the Bread Basket of the World, and when the world...
  7. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    It doesn't, it is a Metaphor, if you just put a wee little bit of thought into it, common sense would tell you a Modern Day Army doesn't need a river to dry up to actually cross it, they have Helicopters, ships/boats and they can build bridges to cross rivers and take them down in mere hours in...
  8. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    We always get these type "THROWBACKS" to the past, but the Anti-Christ will not d the exact thing that Antiochus did and the False Prophet will not do the exact thing that Json did. Its about a Spiritual TYPE in all these cases. Antiochus Sacrificed unto Zeus, BUT though he was a god himself...
  9. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    There is NO REBUTTAL, nowhere do you show in the last dats where there is any drought, I see you type of guys (if you are 2 guys at all) all the time, you can't rebut if you read, but its usually very clear you don't read because if you did you wouldn't answer with an already DEFEATED ANSWER...
  10. R

    look into it

    Over analyzation and conflation, most people do this also, but not this deep in the rabbit hole. The 666 is really simple. Its not a mans name via an actual number, its telling us the LAST BEAST is a MAN (666) unlike the other six Beasts who were nations/kingdoms, a la Egypt, Assyria, Babylon...
  11. R

    Reading The First Five Chapters Of Revelations Without Stopping

    No sir, the Judgment is against Israel. Its in three different Prophesies to start with, The Wall, the Death and the Agreement between the Anti-Christ and THE MANY (not just Israel). The Dan. 9:24-27 passage clearly states that Israel MUST REPENT before the 70 weeks judgment can end. Satan is...
  12. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    Pssttt, you guys both came here at the "SAME TIME" , and believe the "SAME THING". Wink, Wink. That's why I called you Frick and Frack. ;)
  13. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    CONTINUED............ BUT.........All the above is irrelevant, because you don't even understand what time Joel 3:18 is speaking about. Joel 3:1 For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,2 I will also gather all nations, and...
  14. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    All this proves is you do not understand how to discern the scriptures. You find an interpretation that seems to say what you want it to and go with that one, I notice those types who do that. I use one bible, the KJV and if someone else can't understand the Old English as well as I do with will...
  15. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    Again, this looks like the Frick and Frack show. I destroyed his point. The Two-witnesses do not show up in the world until AFTER the Agreements are made, so he can NEVER be correct. I allowed him to paint himself in that corner. So, the Two-witnesses should WARN Israel/Jews etc. etc. even...
  16. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    And your point is what? Because Israel never accepts the Anti-Christ as their Messiah, as have been telling you for years. But nevertheless Jesus says they BOTH use wonders and deception, Satan their father is a liar after all. Matt. 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false...
  17. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    The First Beast, he then names the False Prophet to a POSITION as the Beast over Religion, BUT...................just like the Anti-Christ is already the E.U. President, but just no the Conquering Beast yet until he conquers Israel and the Mediterranean Sea Region, the coming 2nd Beast/False...
  18. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    Again, you pointed out a TYPO which doesn't change ANT FACTS. The 1000 pastors or 10,000 pastor is IRREEVANT to all the points made. So your very point is nothing, its just a way for you to obfuscate and dodge the real points. As I stated, there is no way I am going to play you whack-a-mole...
  19. R

    Reading The First Five Chapters Of Revelations Without Stopping

    Two points, firstly, the Church will not be on earth for the 70th week troubles anyway, so the whole point is not really that relevant. But on the other hand it is, we need to understand Revelation because it ties together the Old Testament and New Testament perfectly, and if we leave a...
  20. R

    Reading The First Five Chapters Of Revelations Without Stopping

    People say this, I will not discount the possibility, however, I think its more likely that Jesus gave us TYPES of Churches that are in every time period you listed, and thus crosses all time. Jesus makes that point by pointing to seven churches just in Asia-minor in the 1st Century. See my...