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  1. R

    Has the Gospel been preached in all the world?

    Jesus indeed went to preach to those souls, but they are not raised until the VEEY END. Daniel 12:1-2 tells us that. Dan. 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up(Rev. 12, we know this), the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of...
  2. R

    Has the Gospel been preached in all the world?

    I think the tares are burned up when the Wheat is gathered in that parable, its the Judgment of mankind, not their souls 1000 years later, thus the end of the age, IMHO, is Satan losing his kingdom of wickedness and deception over mankind, and being locked up for 1000 years. The New Beginning so...
  3. R

    Has the Gospel been preached in all the world?

    I know we DIE when we are Raptured, so did Elijah when God took him because sin flesh CAN NOT enter Heaven. but that is wat the whole CHANGES in the Twinkling of an eye means, those living will be TAKEN via their Spirits, to Heaven and their bodies will thus be left on earth, thus they become...
  4. R

    Reading The First Five Chapters Of Revelations Without Stopping

    Yes, the 70 weeks Judgment is against Israel. WRONG UNDERSTANDING HERE Brother...... Romans. 11:23 And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again. 24 For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert...
  5. R

    Has the Gospel been preached in all the world?

    Its a good think you are wrong so often then, else we would never get Raptured.....;)
  6. R

    Has the Gospel been preached in all the world?

    That's not the requirement of "HAS THE GOSPEL BEEN PREACHED UNTO ALL THE WORLD". If the Gospel has been preached in Israel, and there on TV, they the Gospel his been preached there, BESIDES the Gospel started there. If the Gospel has been preached unto all the world then the Mission of the...
  7. R

    Has the Gospel been preached in all the world?

    Yes, the Air waves have allowed to to be fulfilled, now God isn't going to wait on one hermit living in a cave somewhere, the truth is every nation in the world has heard about Jesus. Those who were in the cave may get to hear the Two-witnesses after the Asteroid rocks them out of their caves, LOL.
  8. R

    Reading The First Five Chapters Of Revelations Without Stopping

    You are down the Armstrong rabbit hole brother. Satan loves to give us head fakes. I see those via the RCC and Pope the same as I see those who are pointing towards and Islamic Anti-Christ as being misinformed. The Little Horn is a Gentile King just like the other 6 Beasts Heads were. The Pope...
  9. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    He is CORRECT. Reread Matt. 24:24-27, it specifically says it is NO POSSIBLE for the elect to be deceived, I will show you at the bottom of the post. Which begs the question are they really THE ELECT!! Maybe you are looking at it all wrong. But, here Jesus tells the Disciples that the end time...
  10. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    Not so brother, I can explain the whole chapter in depth. Maybe I need to start doing that in full. For starters, AGAIN, you are conflating the Harlot (ALL False Religion of all time) with these Government Beasts (Babylon = the Statue of Governments) which in the end time represent the Whole...
  11. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    :coffee::coffee::coffee: The Parable of the Wheat and tares was about the Jews, we know this because........IF.........they as a nation are blinded until the Rapture, thus this is Jesus, in a parable, telling the Jewish peoples, that they will indeed be like unto the Tares who also go into the...
  12. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    You have misunderstood this meaning. This means simply that this Great White Thrones is n Gods Heaven, not our Earthy Heaven, and this Earth, and our Heaven BOTH fled away from God's Holy Face, seemingly saying God is finished with this heaven and earth(our whole universe) for us, thus He will...
  13. R

    Reading The First Five Chapters Of Revelations Without Stopping

    No, the Angels are speaking about the DAILY'S.....The Sacrifices or Oblations, and thus why the temple will be defiled, and HINT, HINT, these Angels who are in the know are not taking about any future profane meat sacrifices, they are talking about Oblations/Tributes unto Jesus that the False...
  14. R

    Reading The First Five Chapters Of Revelations Without Stopping

    And evidently you don't know how to comprehend the facts I point out very clearly here brother, you only take the English Translations into consideration, which is why I do the actual grunt work. So, I not only showed the facts that it is 2300 Morning and Evenings, but laid it out where no one...
  15. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    Sure it is n the end, because our Sin Flesh can not enter Heaven, thus we have to get a new body, Jesus never knew any sin this he always had a glorified body. How do you think he "DISAPEARED" at times when people were about to stone/kill him? How do you think he made himself look different...
  16. R

    Reading The First Five Chapters Of Revelations Without Stopping

    There is no 2300 days, its 1150 days. Go read Daniel praying in Dan. 9 and in verse 21 (I think) Gabriel shows up at the time of the Evening Oblation (Sacrificial prayer/tribute unto God). So, there was an Evening and Morning Oblation or Sacrifice unto God, written into the Laws. So, in Daniel...
  17. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    Jesus was "The man in linen" he was he first fruit of the grave, not of the Harvest, he didn't need harvesting, he is eternal, Elijah as taken, Lazarus still died, Jesus was the first to arise forevermore. Notice the bolded says first to rise from the grave? Jesus has the same body, with nail...
  18. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    You mean like God saying it doesn't prove it? Tat odd, I always felt like Gods own words proved these things out. I left this off for a BRIEF POST so you can see it much easier. SHORT AND SWEET. Rev. 16:19 And the great city was divided into three parts(Jerusalem/Earthquake/Jesus lands), and...
  19. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    This tells me about you in essence. Remember I stated I never say things until I know, that I know, that I know its of God? The flip side is whenever, WHENEVER, I hear a truth from the Holy Spirit I know it, no matter who speaks it. Romans 8:13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but...
  20. R

    Reading The First Five Chapters Of Revelations Without Stopping

    This however actually shows us God is a just God and all he wants is a WILLING HEART, that desires, if our hearts desire to be lie unto God He will continue to lead us in that direction, meanwhile the modern day liberal is a total construct of "BETTER THAN THOU", the are so good because they...