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  1. H

    Pls delete if not allowed

    Thank you
  2. H

    Pls delete if not allowed

    THC is just another healing cannabinoid God created. Whole flower extracts from high THC strains make the make most healing oils. I have never heard one person ever hallucinate from cannabis and almost everyone I know has tried it. From all the lies and misinformation about this plant, this may...
  3. H

    Is Q anon for real?

    How many other stories are there about LARPs or bigfoot do see the FAKE NEWS run? If it's so fake why don't they report on other susposed fakes at the same rate? Yet, all FAKE NEWS have several articles on the Q conspiracy and how its followers are radicalized. Apparently, those who scream the...
  4. H

    Is Q anon for real?

    Q told us about Epstein over a year ago. Sure there is some disinformation to be found there but it looks like Q team is absolutely connected with President Trump. Many things have come to pass since Q started posting. Those who haven't spent much time looking may call this movement a LARP but...
  5. H

    ~Today's Inspiration~

    We are all connected by the water we drink, the air we breathe, the earth we stand on and the love we all require. We all grieve and everyone alive has more in common with his fellow man than any petty differences that may arise.
  6. H

    The Peace Of God Surpasses All Understanding ( Phil.4 )

    I could not survive the mental terrorism I face daily without this peace. God bless you for posting this, sometimes I just need a reminder.
  7. H

    Please don't fwd me that junk...

    I need to complain to someone....
  8. H

    Healing for wife, mom and sis.

    Prayers for all
  9. H

    Pray that Christ is glorified by blind orphan Debbie's impending healing of her eyesight

    Prayers of healing to Debbie and helichrysum essential oils may benefit her.
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    Prayer request for peace and a new job

    Prayers ascending
  11. H

    Requesting prayers

    As my post in the new member section states, I'm in a battle of a lifetime and I am requesting prayers.
  12. H

    New menber

    Hello, thank you and God bless
  13. H

    New menber

    Thank you and God bless
  14. H

    New menber

    Thank you and God bless you too.
  15. H

    New menber

    Thank you all for the prayers and support. I can't overstate how much this means to me.
  16. H

    Pls delete if not allowed

    The way God made it, cannabis' safety record cannot be overststed, zero deaths in the history. The LD 50 is so extremely high, like pounds per minute or something crazy. How many other medicines of any type can compare. So comparing cannabis to anything else I'd like comparing apples to tanks...
  17. H

    Natural cures for acid

    Agree with slippery elm, others include but not inclusive, licorice root, DGL, probiotics, apple cider vinegar and reducing/eliminating the other things nentioned. I realise ACV is an acid but some people have lack of acid with the same symptoms and this helps.
  18. H

    Endocannabinoid System

    Anyone ever research this body stem that is found in all vertebrates? Our bodies are made to heal themselves and we use our own natural endocannabinoids for that. As we age, get injured and exposed to more environmental toxins our endocannibinoid "tank" (so to speak) begins to deplete. Cannabis...