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  1. H

    Thief on the Cross

    In this context, is everyone who has ever been baptized, always saved? It seems possible to me both can be true; and, I used to think only water baptism saved before this thread. Some may have the possibility of being saved without the water as in "grace thru faith" (think innocent children and...
  2. H

    Taxing the rich?

    What socialist countries around the world are you referring to that are doing so well? Please compare these countries with our economy, our schools, our crime rate and our healthcare. Please educate me on what advantages socialism has over capitalism and how has capitalism failed?
  3. H

    ~Today's Inspiration~

    You are correct. I see it, feel it and fight it daily.
  4. H

    Abortion To Solve Climate Change

    All I see from the Democrats on a national level is "Let's impeach Trump". They all stick together for whatever new whacho left wing socialist agenda in vogue, in lieu of anything to fix the divide, they are creating in this nation. All the while blaming President Trump's rhetoric for causing...
  5. H

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    What part of the country do you live in, out west somewhere? I haven't seen a chemtrail here in over two months.
  6. H

    Abortion To Solve Climate Change

    I used to be a Democrat all my life. Please forgive me God.
  7. H

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    Can't think of another candidate that can do better, or another president in my lifetime, who has. Unless it turns out that he starts being a spy for Russia, I agree with the House, Senate and Mueller report, there was no collusion. I also see how a political coup had conspired against him by...
  8. H

    Scientology is a dangerous cultic religion

    It has all the appearances of a satanic cult disguised as a religion.
  9. H

    What is Truth?

    If we start to accept truth as "your own reality", then we go down a very slippery slope. At that point, we must accept the pedophiles, murders, rapist, terrorist and corrupt officials for their own reality. Then we become bait for the sharks with blood in the water. There is no gray, only one...
  10. H

    Pls delete if not allowed

    Agreed, chemo and radiation treatments are horrible and people are pressured by doctors, friends and family to take it. I have a friend who takes chemo and oil, even though, the doc says the chemo wouldn't cure that type of cancer. It's a huge leap of faith. Yet, those who do decide to have that...
  11. H

    New menber

    Thanks and God bless you
  12. H

    New menber

    Thank you and bless you.
  13. H

    Why Im Not A Pacifist

    Luke 22:36 sorry
  14. H

    Why Im Not A Pacifist

    Like 22:36 in red letters. I don't believe Jesus meant, or Peter, used his sword to cut apples. Ancient Jerusalem was a dangerous place and Jesus attracted crowds. Besides, what is a more Christian concept as sacrificing self for others, as defenders of self and family constantly do?
  15. H

    New menber

    Welcome here to you too. And we know all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Rom 8:28 Thank you and may God bless you with his glory, knowledge and love.
  16. H

    Pls delete if not allowed

    Respectfully, I couldn't disagree more, when vitamin c therapy, rhife therapy, shark cartilage, and turmeric have also have been studied and proven (with cannabis) to be more effective and vastly safer. Oncologist in the scientific journal Lancet in 2008 admitted patients live longer with cancer...
  17. H

    Please don't fwd me that junk...

    Yes I agree and I write lots of letters.
  18. H

    New menber

    Thank you so much and God bless you.
  19. H

    Pls delete if not allowed

    Again they are trying to replace God's medicine with man's and its side fx. Because that's their job. I would debate these facts with any M.D. You are more likely to get schizophrenia from owning a cat than cannabis and the facts are, it helps mental disorders. This is the reason so many...