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  1. H

    Since some asked in another thread that I don't want to derail

    I thought I was the only one, my phone doesn't even recognize itself. I call it, "My life is twice as hard". I see you found the key to ease your stresses in life are small prayers to our Lord. May God bless you and be a lamp into your feet, your buckler, and place you on a rock far above your...
  2. H

    Who do you think is the leader of the American Deep State?

    Are you really sourcing MSLSD, I mean, MSNBC, as a reliable source? Those conspiracy theorist do entertain, but so does wrestling, and I find them both about equally plausible.
  3. H

    Muslim Religion Started by Catholic Church

    And why do we coddle to a faith of jihadist and pedophiles? If Mohammed, was not a satanic pedophile, why did he marry 6 and 9 year old girls, and why do muslim men still have baby brides? What would lead anyone to believe their religion is about love when it says, "Behead the Christians where...
  4. H

    Jeffery Epstein Dead

    William Barr has said, this changes nothing, and prosecutions will go forward. Thousands of pages of documents are set to be released soon. The wheels of justice turn slow but they grind very fine. Consider this, El Chapo was found guilty now even the former president of his country and family...
  5. H

    Jeffery Epstein Dead

    If they wanted to hide someone. What better way to do it. I'm not sure the most valuable prisoner in that complex would have had so little security.
  6. H

    Scripture Art and Various Creative Conceptions Born of Love

    Have you tried CBD oil for seizures? I believe it's the best anti-seizure med on earth and it's from God. Your designs are beautiful, God bless you.
  7. H

    for mom & others

    I will pray for your whole family, especially those you mentioned.
  8. H

    Daughter's healing & finances

    Prayers for your daughter.
  9. H

    Walmart to stop selling some kinds of ammunition

    Their new agenda is to repeal the 2nd
  10. H

    Is Q anon for real?

    Praise and all glory to God
  11. H

    Abortion To Solve Climate Change

    I walked away myself. Yet, I always voted with the candidate, I felt was best. Now, I just vote Republican, because the Democrats have no platform but hate.
  12. H

    Taxing the rich?

    In my opinion, when God has blessed them, no matter their economic status. Don't store your treasures in earthen vessels.
  13. H

    Taxing the rich?

    Just because a failed political party was called the capitalist party, doesn't mean that's what they stood for. Our Demorats party here have become socialist and least democratic of any party in power. This is an example of what I mean. Wealth and greed are not synonymous. Wealthy people can be...
  14. H

    Is Q anon for real?

    Discernment told me it was real almost instantly. But over time, the Q team told the public about (before it happened): Jeffery Epstein [over a year ago and kept asking who was the keystone], Russian collusion was a hoax and climate change was a money laundering scheme, how Soros and his open...
  15. H

    Don't Get Discouraged

    Hi all, I'm very new here. I just want to say even though, I am very new here, I have a brief statement to make. In the few days that I have spent reading and comments here, I see some very unsettling comments from a few people here. These seem to have some very non-Christian views from a very...
  16. H

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    Thank you I appreciate that very much. The reports I am getting say, there are a few holdout military bases out west, that still do chemtrails, with very scarce chemtrails east of the Mississippi. So, this confirms my source is accurate, thanks again.
  17. H

    Taxing the rich?

    All countries seemingly advance or regress. I don't see this as a good example. Also, I still see no examples of righteous socialism anywhere in the world, or the history of the world. What's the initiative for innovation or hard work in a socialist society? What do socialist countries invent or...
  18. H

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    Retraction: I have seen one or more chemtrails today in Kentucky. Although, these are the first one's I have seen in several months.
  19. H

    Why Im Not A Pacifist

    Well said, Jesus was a rebel, a teacher, a healer, a divider, a caster out of demons as well as many other things, but most importantly God on earth. Jesus was not a pacifist and where does it say in the bible God is a pacifist? I would love to hear how pacifist deal with manipulative people who...
  20. H

    Special needs adult placement question?

    Prayers for all. My uncle was mentally handicapped and his care was left solely up to me before the Lord took him. Its hard for me to stop hurting for you all.