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  1. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    What are you implying? Do you understand the verse you quoted? Because it does not go to what guojing is referring to. Not sure if you understand scripture.
  2. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    This portion is wrong. Everything else you had mentioned about Cain and Abel was correct. You did a great job explaining and answering the questions. God is the same yesterday today and forever. He requires faith and obedience. Love and committment. Paul never taught to cease from doing works...
  3. TLC209

    Christianity......what I have learned on here.

    Sounds like descendants of Simon the sorcerer. If he had any descendants they would be mystics. And they would write books like that for profit. Cursed money...
  4. TLC209

    Christianity......what I have learned on here.

    They WILL NEVER MAKE GODS WORD OF NO EFFECT. But yes i agree they use the Word for monetary gain and power over the flock. The greedy lead the blind, and many want it so. The bible teaches they have an itching ear. No one willingly accepts a lie when it is in your face. Unless it purpertrates...
  5. TLC209

    Christianity......what I have learned on here.

    Do you receieve proceeds from that book? Or do u just endorse it? Not sure what that has to do with this thread. What does that book offer that you love it so much? A mans perspective?
  6. TLC209

    Christianity......what I have learned on here.

    What kind of foolishness is pope urban the 8 even talking about? Do people really believe when they talk like that? It sounds like placebo effect medicine theory. And i would never refer to someone as His Holiness, if that person isnt Jesus Christ. What foolishness..... smh
  7. TLC209

    Christianity......what I have learned on here.

    These people all missed what you were saying. Angela5150 especially stood out! These are all the things you learned about Christianity on this website. And instead of anyone taking personal inventory most have jumped down your throat. It proves your point! These people need to take the log out...
  8. TLC209

    Who is my brother?

    Thats what i was working with? You mentioned monks and the devine office. I have no clue what any of that is? Like I said I was never catholic so im blind to what you guys practice.
  9. TLC209

    Who is my brother?

    I did reply. You never responded. I observed your fondness for visual beauty. That was your reasoning for catholicism. I interpret that as the lust of the eyes. I mentioned your eyes cannot save you. You never responded.
  10. TLC209

    Who is my brother?

    Im saying you have been taught a lie. Let me break it down for you and anyone else who comes across this post. The Word of God says we are saved by grace through FAITH. This grace is Jesus Christ. We all know this because scriptures tell us what this scripture is referring to. Jesus was the...
  11. TLC209

    Who is my brother?

    You never offended me brother. I just want to make sure you know the TRUTH. In the body we have an obligation to God. I dont want to see you mislead by so many false christians and flase pastors. Its rampant in these last days. I can hear some of that indoctrination in your beliefs. Im not a...
  12. TLC209

    Who is my brother?

    Theyre not Spirit filled. They hate what they dont understand. They think it means we think we are special? Were sinners. No better then the next man. Its a sincere heart, repentant heart, broken heart, who seeks for God in brokenness, and asks God to step in and take over. No longer in control...
  13. TLC209

    Who is my brother?

    Im not saying you are damned. I am not God. I cannot Judge your soul. You do not have the Holy Spirit. And this is not to put you down but to prove the point. Youre missing something, the words you use are not of the Spirit. You can discern between the Holy Spirit and your feelings?? What does...
  14. TLC209

    Who is my brother?

    A nut? Is that what you think of Christians? U referred to him as a "Nut-Christian" if I recall. So I assume you would call me the same. Im a born again Christian. I can see you do not have the Holy Spirit. Does that make me a nut? Or a mystic? Or relying on feelings? Not sure how feelings...
  15. TLC209

    Who is my brother?

    Lust of the eyes. How do you feel about women? Lol your eyes will not save you..
  16. TLC209

    Who is my brother?

    I stick to the Bible. Why read something secular or a mans perspective for wisdom? The Word of God is wisdom. Mysticism is not of God.
  17. TLC209

    Who is my brother?

    Yes but im pointing out the fact that there are spirits. Its not mysticism to point out someone has hurt or mocking spirit etc.
  18. TLC209

    Who is my brother?

    Test the spirits. Im sure you have heard this scripture. Well how do you suppose this happens? I tell you we live in a spiritual world. And evryone has a spirit. Theres spirits of anger, lust, division, bitterness, resentment, depression, hurt, murder etc etc.. The Holy Spirit gives us...
  19. TLC209

    Who is my brother?

    Id rather know why you follow the catholic faith. Every ones story is unique. Not all catholics are the same. Some practice santeria and santa muerte, witchcraft and sorcery. Some are Christian but stay because of tradition and their family background. Youre on a Christian site.. Id like to hear...
  20. TLC209

    Who is my brother?

    Yessir. We are to judge one another in the body. We cannot walk in sin or be doing things that are wrong, while we sit back and do nothing and say nothing. We must use sound doctrine through scripture to correct one another if we are in error. Its not to exalt ourselves or to put someone else...