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  1. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    I disagree with the idea that the church and saints are two different understandings. The saints are Gods Holy People. Which is us who are born again of the Spirit. I am a saint in the eyes of God. The seven letters to the churches for the most part were rebukes and strong admonishing. They were...
  2. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    Yes I have read revelation and I have started the study of tribulation. But have not come across any rapture. It says the saints will actually have to endure during this tribulation period. As you mentioned the days will be shortened for this reason. It also says the 2 prophets will be in...
  3. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    I noticed something about tribulation in your post. Gods wrath is done at time of judgement. This is after tribulation. Can you share the scriptures you are basing your belief? For growth ofcourse. Not for arguement. This tribulation topic has caught my attention for the past few months and id...
  4. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    Im sure God would send His gifted teacher to the group one way or another if the body of believers are truly seeking God. I have the gift of teacher myself. And I agree with what youve said about staying in a group that has no leadership or "file" like the brother stated, in order to be used in...
  5. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    I meant everything I told you sir. That includes twisting scripture. You do no have discernment to understand that. You have human intellect and a carnal understanding of scripture. You do not see that we need the Holy Spirit for us to understand the scriptures the way the Holy Spirit wrote...
  6. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    I postmarked your erlier posts showing you using Hebrews erlier. Yet when asked to interpret scripture in Hebrews you deflect answering based on ludicrous claims. Sir Guojing your claims are FALSE! You avoid any scriptures that destroy your false doctrine. You cant twist scripture to fit your...
  7. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    Im sure she helped. She was Adams helpmeet. She wasnt a modern day femenist that we have now days. Proverbs 31 talks about a virtuous woman. I know it wasnt based on an actual person but it describes characteristics of a virtuous woman. And in that description we see she wore many hats and did...
  8. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    My guess would be Adam? Im sure he didnt just sit around. He must have taught his sons.
  9. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    Is it? You quoted from Hebrews. Seems like a weird way to avoid answering the question. How about you show where in scripture suggests James and Hebrews is for tribulation period. But nice try Guojing lol you always avoid questions that contradict your ideology.
  10. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    Not sure this is based on scripture? It sounds like a mixture of scriptures without correct interpretation. Let me ask you what this scripture means to you, using your ideology. Hebrews 12:14-17 Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy...
  11. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    The question is whether or not you think people who believe in Jesus Christ ought to live Holy and pleasing to God? Is living Holy and being obedient to Gods commandments considered works in your opinion?
  12. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    Im not repeating the same thing twice. Faith and works are two different things. You on the other hand did not answer my question.
  13. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    Jesus Christ saved us. Not our works. Works does not save you. What Jesus did on the cross will save you. If we believe in this, through faith we will be saved. Having said that. Without works you do not have faith. Faith produces evidence of itself. Faith bears good works. So faith without...
  14. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    No I do not agree. Works are not "used" for salvation. That would be manipulation. You cannot fool God. That is why He tests our faith. I thought I made it clear that works is not for salvation. I also made the point clear that faith without works does not save anyone. Read James 2. I will...
  15. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    Brother if you do have the Holy Spirit how can you explain your interpretation to fit in the said scripture? 5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. 6 And the Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance...
  16. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    Hey thanks for responding and I do appologize for not giving explanation. I disagreed with sin offering being at the door. Sin is the one knocking at the door. And it waits for us like a roaring lion. We must resist the devil and he will flee... 1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your...
  17. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    Not sure why you are arguing this point? Seems like you agree that works are obedience. But you add that works are labor to which I disagree. The scripture you provided clearly says labour. The statement I made to guojing was about works. Two different things. Labour and works are not the same...
  18. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    The heart reflects the person. Something about Cains offerring was wrong. God knows the heart. How do we know if Cains offering was leftovers? Abels was the firstfruits of his labor. Cains most likely was not. This would show God was not his top priority. As Abels offerring was done in faith.
  19. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    That is not the scripture guojing was referring to because guojing did not provide scripture to where Paul instructs us to cease from works because that is unbiblical and is not found in scripture. The verse you provided refers to entering Gods rest. That will happen when our earthly bodies...
  20. TLC209

    Cain's Offering

    You did actually. You said to cease from all works. Cease is to stop. So yes you were implying that Paul taught NO WORKS.