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  1. DeanM

    Shroud of Turin—real or fake, and why?

    Looks too normal size also. After the thorns and beating Jesus took I hate to think of the swelling of his head..
  2. DeanM

    Shroud of Turin—real or fake, and why?

    If the shroud is not a fake, which it probably is, there is still nothing to tie it to Jesus. I wonder how many dead people were wrapped in shrouds in those times? Its a nice story.
  3. DeanM

    Do Animals Enter Condemnation or Paradise?

    Man was created in the image of God. God breathed life into Adam. What is the image of God? I think this means man has a soul. Breath of God? I believe the breath is the Holy Spirit. Scripture doesnt say that God breathed life in all living creatures. So as much as I would like to think my...
  4. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Call her a democrat, progressive or socialist. Just other names for communist. Seems you love the one party system.
  5. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Orderly immigration is one thing. Opening the borders and allowing anyone and everyone in is inviting problems. Of course the communist agenda always invites chaos. In the words of the great communist moslem Obama. Never let a disaster go to waste.
  6. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Could be wrong but didnt Merkel open the door for Moslem terrorists at the same time Obama was flooding Minnesota and Michigan with the same?
  7. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    I had the measles as well as the mumps when I was a boy. There is something to be said for the natural immune system. Overuse of antibiotics has made people weak and susceptible to virus and infections. Ive had the flu a time or two also and may have had this flu they call the pandemic. Hard to...
  8. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Fear not. They will have double doses of vaccine for each variant. Once they lower the population to what they consider an acceptable level with very low birth rates, the virus will be cured and gone. The sheep will cheer and those in power will congratulate each other.
  9. DeanM

    Residential Schools in Canada

    Some here like the blame catholics for anything and everything and I suppose some see this as justification for the church burnings. Ive read a bit about this and the Canadian government was a player in this from the beginning and took total control of it in the 1960's.
  10. DeanM

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    I dont know about that but he is definitely on the side of evil.
  11. DeanM

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid
  12. DeanM

    CRT What is It, Is is Dangerous?

    Marxism has been in the schools for decades. It came out of the shadows under Obama and has been moving along faster. They no longer try to hide it. Short of a revolution (which imo people dont have the stomach for) it wont stop.
  13. DeanM

    divorce, remarrriage and separation- Bibically?

    Yes it applies to us today. The world changes, God doesnt.
  14. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    When were the other 18 variants? Its a very serious question. And if its not the flu does that mean there was no yearly flu last year?
  15. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    why is it called covid 19? maybe because there were 18 previous?
  16. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    wonder how many overdose deaths were attributed to covid? Ive heard first hand about a guy who died from natural causes and the hospital tried to call it covid. The mans wife went off on the attending and they corrected the death certificate.
  17. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    I remember when Biden was on TV supposedly getting the vax. Wonder what it was? Vitamin shot, water or nothing at all?
  18. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Covid was the flu. U.S. death numbers were no higher than other yearly flu deaths. You believe the propaganda, wear your mask and take the vax I will take my chances with the flu.
  19. DeanM

    CRT What is It, Is is Dangerous?

    The liberal party in this country is indeed the communist party.