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  1. DeanM

    Democrats don't like Catholic Church saying Biden can't have Communion
  2. DeanM

    Shroud of Turin—real or fake, and why? Here it is.
  3. DeanM

    Shroud of Turin—real or fake, and why?

    Funny you should say that. I read yesterday that there were, i think three , that claimed to have it or a piece of it. I will see if I can find the link.
  4. DeanM

    Examples of How You Cannot Believe "Everything" You Hear on the Internet..

    I predict lower conception and birth rates in the very near future. Gates has been pushing population control for years. Gates is also a major player pushing this untested drug that contains who knows what.
  5. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines
  6. DeanM

    A new president in 2024.

    Careful. Your liberal brainwashing is showing.
  7. DeanM


    I remember my dad saying these "ufo" sightings seemed to increase in war time. For instance the foo sightings during WW2.
  8. DeanM

    A new president in 2024.

    2024 will be assigned to whatever stumble bum the liberals can control. Be it the stumble bum in office now or a new one. They blatantly stole the 2020 election and got away with it. Why will '24 be any different?
  9. DeanM

    Don't Have a Cow Man!

    Eat cardboard and drink flavored water if you want. I will eat meat and drink whole milk and half and half. Gates would love to control what we eat. He promotes the poison vax also. No thanks
  10. DeanM

    Should we support police ?

    Last comment before I unwatch this thread. When a cop stops you. Dont run and dont fight. Good luck with your endeavors.
  11. DeanM

    Should we support police ?

    You dont need me for that. Your doing a good job of it yourself.
  12. DeanM

    Should we support police ?

    The governors of the states plagued by BLM looters were at fault for not enforcing the law. The same party, your party, that wants to defund the police.
  13. DeanM

    Should we support police ?

    You keep mentioning BLM. Wonder why that is? As for Chicago. Look what they have for elected officials. They make policy, not the police.
  14. DeanM

    'Churches' being burned down in Canada

    So burn them out right? While at the same time welcoming moslums with open arms.
  15. DeanM

    Shroud of Turin—real or fake, and why?

    Doesnt the "church" claim to have the spear that pierced the side of Jesus also? As for fakes, they have bodies of dead saints they claim are incorruptible yet are covered in wax like figures in a wax museum. I watched a documentary on how the shroud was faked but it was years ago so I dont...
  16. DeanM

    Should we support police ?

    Excuses? You know nothing. Without the cops the entire nation would be Minneapolis last summer. You prepared to defend yourself?
  17. DeanM

    Should we support police ?

    You should do a ride along and get a look at the animals they deal with.
  18. DeanM

    Should we support police ?

    A lot of drs as well as nurses are refusing the vax and not recommending them. As for policemen I worked with them as a county C.O. and can say they put up with a lot of garbage. Everyone has their breaking point and unless you have dealt with some of these criminals, usually the same ones over...
  19. DeanM

    Shroud of Turin—real or fake, and why?

    "Many people made a lot of money" There is the best answer so far.