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  1. DeanM

    Is Joe Biden the most humble President ever?

    Humble? I think you meant stumble. As in stumble bum.
  2. DeanM

    Why do Christians believe in a place of torment called Hell?

    There are things worse than oblivian. Hell contains them all.
  3. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Biden is pushing employers to make it tough on the unvaxed. Testing a couple times a week, masks and distancing from fellow workers.
  4. DeanM

    federal mask mandate (until Sept 13) is Un-Constitutional says Ted Cruz and other GOP

    Yes. Iowa here. Our governor never mandated masks either.
  5. DeanM

    federal mask mandate (until Sept 13) is Un-Constitutional says Ted Cruz and other GOP

    I figure the vax risk is higher than the flu risk. I was a boy in the 60"s. We played in creeks and probably ate bugs. I drink lots of tea and am pretty healthy.
  6. DeanM

    'Churches' being burned down in Canada

    haters gonna hate. not a lot of christian love going on here. im sure some here know exactly what happened 100 years ago. For those of us not in the know, we have to rely on the media. Of course we all know they dont have an axe to grind with any Christian denomination. And im sure the canadian...
  7. DeanM

    'Churches' being burned down in Canada

    Thats a lie.
  8. DeanM

    'Churches' being burned down in Canada

    Not catholic but been to mass a few times. They do worship Christ and had 4 bible readings. As for the kids that have been dead for decades your so concerned with. Which protestant church has taken as strong a stance against abortion as the catholics? Im really thinking you are an abused alter...
  9. DeanM

    federal mask mandate (until Sept 13) is Un-Constitutional says Ted Cruz and other GOP

    Wont happen here. We have a good governor. Never was an order to wear masks here.
  10. DeanM

    'Churches' being burned down in Canada

    man you have issues. you better be careful, the pope will put a bounty on you. 😬
  11. DeanM

    Examples of How You Cannot Believe "Everything" You Hear on the Internet..

    Google ABC Cuomo coverup then go back to watching your "news". Isee you learned a new term. Strawman.
  12. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    I agree with your vax stance but your delivery needs work. People will do what they think best. Attacking and saying people are sinning who take the vax is rediculous and mean spirited.
  13. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Most meds take an average of 10 years testing before appeoval. Guess they are in a hurry to kill as many as possible before the sheep wake up?
  14. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Wouldnt you think those pushing the vax would have taken it themselves? Funny how Pelosi's vaccinated aid now has covid. Makes me wonder. Does the vax not work? Or did Pelosi and her gang not get vaccinated?
  15. DeanM

    Examples of How You Cannot Believe "Everything" You Hear on the Internet..

    Before the vax. Give it time. And GMA isnt something I put much faith in.
  16. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    I cant say that but I havnt watched the news in a long time. I have over the air tv and i like the Tubi app. Its free and has some good shows and some I wont watch.