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  1. T

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    The word south is on the horizon. The crux is about the same position as the moon is for me from my location. The moon could do the same for me and point south.
  2. T

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    The sun is allegedly closer and still a star like one in the crux. Can you explain why you think the earth blocks viewing it, when the earth cannot block a star further away and less magnitude? There literally should only be shadows and not total darkness if the sun was an actual star. Is it...
  3. T

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    Obviously you would have to get to the point where the crux is pointing north to find the edge.
  4. T

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    That would be the edge of reality. Where reality stops, eternity begins. I doubt God let's just any one walk out of reality and into eternity.
  5. T

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    Only if the earth was flat. If the earth curves away from you, at some point on a ball your vision is in space. Your vision does not curve, at least mine does not.
  6. T

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    The big dipper is always above, not on the horizon. No, the big dipper points to the northern star, which is allegedly above the north pole. If the crux is always on the horizon for you how can it be on the horizon at all times of the day? Even the moon does not stay on the horizon. It...
  7. T

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    I have several globes. I think I can understand what it would be like to look through one from a point in Canada and try to see the south pole. Perhaps those who built the globes failed to do a proper globe? Can you explain how a perfect circle can be a straight line?
  8. T

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    No it is above you. You can see it at 6pm above you?
  9. T

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    For one thing night is not an equal 12 hours in the 3 southern most points who would even be looking for the SC. At this post it is about 6:30 am in Johannesburg, 2:30 pm in Sydney, and 1:30 am in Punta Arenas, Chile. Johannesburg only shares about 5 hours of darkness with Chile. That the SC...
  10. T

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    People at the North pole on a globe cannot even look south. They would be looking out at space. Only on a FE, can a person at the NP, see the South, in a 360 degree panorama. People in Australia can look north past the NP, and see south in the opposite direction as actually looking south...
  11. T

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    The SC is always pointing south. That does not mean south is always on the same side of the map. When it is pointing away from you above Africa or between Africa and SA, it is still pointing south for them.
  12. T

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    Not necessarily. All are looking up at the sky. They are not looking "through the earth" at a virtual pole in the ground. On a flat earth, one would not be looking through the earth. They would be looking straight at the pole in the ground. Except that pole would be every point to the...
  13. T

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    Per FE, Antarctica is either the 4 corners or it is like Greenland, small between Australia and South America. It used to be "between" Africa and South America, but is slowly "drifting" west. From Africa there would be no direct access to Antarctica now if it is small. Meaning Antartic is...
  14. T

    The Nephilim

    The book of Job confirms the stars and sons of God were two different types of beings created on Day 4 and Day 6. The Angels were created on Day 4. The sons of God were created on Day 6. They all glorified God at the beginning. Yes a third of the stars were cast out of heaven because they...
  15. T

    The Nephilim

    That is the point. There were no angels involved with the Nephilim. Adam was a son of God just like all the other sons of God. When Adam disobeyed God he died physically and spiritually, and was no longer even in an incorruptible son of God physical body. He and Eve were given dead...
  16. T

    The Nephilim

  17. T

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    Are you saying the southern cross is stationary? Stationary would be the only way to get different angles only. There are only 3 continents with an alleged view of the stationary position. The issue would be the size of Antarctica and does the southern cross rise and set there.