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  1. R

    Are you pre-Trib, mid-Trib, or post-Trib?

    Because its TWO TYPE RESURRECTIONS, not two resurrection points. You have only one football game that can be called the first game of the season but it has four quarters. These are simple truths, yet you guys find ways to see these untruths are factoids.
  2. R

    Are you pre-Trib, mid-Trib, or post-Trib?

    There are Two Resurrection, the Living in Christ and the Dead not in Christ 1000 years later. The first resurrection is a TYPE (those in Christ) not a specific point in time, the pre 70th week Saints in Christ are raised from the dead and THOSE LIVING will CHANGE (means only our spirit man goes...
  3. R

    Are you pre-Trib, mid-Trib, or post-Trib?

    That is actually BAD. So, not understanding God's word leaves us in a position where we are not in a position to do God's perfect will. We should now in a feverish race to get young people saved, once the miss the Rapture they will be in 7 years f hell on earth, including 3.5 years where...
  4. R

    Are you pre-Trib, mid-Trib, or post-Trib?

    I call it Pre 70th week. There s a reason, so as not to confuse those who do not understand that all tie on this earth is "Tribulation" so said Jesus in John 16:33 which is why Rev. 7:9-16 confuses people a wee bit. You see God never says the Rapture is pre 70th week per se, we have to dig it...
  5. R

    A covenant is a promise. Did God cancel His first promise?

    I do not think you get it.....The First Covenant was "The Promise to Abraham" not the Law which Gal 3 tells us was added 430 years after "The Promise". So, why did Paul use "New Covenant" when talking unto the Jews? Because all they understood was "THE SHADOW" the Law of Moses which pointed unto...
  6. R

    everything is predestined?

    Yes, they do not get that God can not predestine peoples choices and give the same men free will. But He can predestine a sacrifice that gives life unto all who freely receive that gift.
  7. R

    Understanding Genesis 1:1

    I have already destroyed you guys, You are the worst, you will dodge quicker than anyone. You will see very soon that your assumptions were all wrong. Just leave prophecy alone, its not your bag. I do not chew my cud twice.
  8. R

    Understanding Genesis 1:1

    So ignorant
  9. R

    Understanding Genesis 1:1

    So, a Universe is being created via the "Time Space Continuum" and you do nit understand before there was light there was darkness? OK. TBH, I think this is over you guys heads.
  10. R

    Understanding Genesis 1:1

    Its YOWM not day, that you reading the KJV. Good grief.
  11. R

    Understanding Genesis 1:1

    Some examples where this word us used in a different way BELOW: Notice it's always used as a PERIOD OF TIME of some sort. 2 Kings 17:37 And the statutes, and the ordinances, and the law, and the commandment, which he wrote for you, ye shall observe to do for evermore(YOWM); and ye shall not...
  12. R

    Understanding Genesis 1:1

    When you get to heaven and figure out you were wrong. then think bout those you might have could have had an open door to reach with the gospel, with facts, not silly stuff, and how many sous were lost to lies then maybe it will hit you why its always important to understand the facts. These...
  13. R

    Understanding Genesis 1:1

    No it looks like you do not know how to interpret the bible, you really think YOWM means day, but it doesn't. People laugh at you when say the earth is only 6000 years old.
  14. R

    Understanding Genesis 1:1

    Why is this so hard to understand? God is pointing to His SPOKEN WORD that created al things. So, when He says in the Beginning He is simply pointing to when His command brought forth creation. Starts are still formed (created) today, well how is that? God is at rest on the "7th day" !! That is...
  15. R

    How Israel can be saved

    There is nothing to agree or disagree with because your whole thesis is incorrect. Why are you even asking the question? We all know by God's holy word how this will play out. Dan. 9:27 states emphatically that Israel MUST REPENT before prophecy is fulfilled. Zech. 13:8-9 says that 1/3 of the...
  16. R

    The End Times: Who is the Beast and the Antichrist?

    Finally, the Anti-Christ, the holy spirit gave this to me one day about 6-7 years ago, out of nowhere I saw ONE VERSE that explained why this Little Horn was mentioned in both Dan. 8 and Dan. 7 and why we get a rundown of every Greek king from Alexander the Great to...
  17. R

    The End Times: Who is the Beast and the Antichrist?

    You miss the whole meaning of the Scarlet Beast who is Apollyon and the Harlot and their colors. If you look at the colors of the 200 million Angels in Woe #2 (they are angels) they have the exact same colors as the High Priest, because they are of God. So indeed God uses numbers to signify...
  18. R

    The End Times: Who is the Beast and the Antichrist?

    Well, if we we are all hearing from the holy spirit we would be uniform (SMILE). But alas, we have hands trying to be feet, it might just not be their calling, but they like giving it the ole college try. So the Beast(s) is a pretty basic understanding, it represents a man/nation/demon who has...
  19. R

    The End Times: Who is the Beast and the Antichrist?

    OK, reading through the thread you seem to have common sense on these things, you understand the A.C. has to come out of Europe etc. So, I think I can help you on all three, i was called unto Prophecy nigh 40 years ago and in the last 7 or 8, since my heart attack slowed me down I have searched...
  20. R

    Are the trumpets and vials chronological in Revelation?

    Changes nothing, you are still off the deep end on the Seals. And if you go to Unsealed Message Board there is a Gary A and he has a Youtube Channel. When you stated you were a guy who buys int the Seals being opened I knew it wasn't you, hes not that far off.