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  1. R

    Does 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Teach Jesus Will Return With Dead Saints Now With Him In Heaven?

    You can use any of those words you like, TACHOS has about 5 meanings, and are OK as log as you now the SHORTLY they used meant in a short time burst, not in a short time, like in tomorrow or next week or even in 10 years; Tachos simply means Speedily, in Haste, Quickly, as in Zoom, zoom, zoom...
  2. R

    Day Begins At Dawn Not Sunset or Midnight

    We know the laws of nature that God invented for our universe, we knw the "Constants" , now while the Big Bang could have theoretically pushed forth they creation in the beginning at a faster clip, no stars were eve formed for the first 400 million years, thus all light travels at a constant...
  3. R

    Day Begins At Dawn Not Sunset or Midnight

    Both are about God's Creation, one about the Creatin of the Universe the other about God's Creation of mankind, man didn't have to fall.
  4. R

    Day Begins At Dawn Not Sunset or Midnight

    Yup, busy bodies stared out early.
  5. R

    Day Begins At Dawn Not Sunset or Midnight

    Not quite, Gen 1 is an overview of Creation, for sure, but Gen. 2 is then another overview, but of the creation of Mankind instead of the universe as a whole. Essentially you get it, but Gen. 2 is not a retelling of creation, but a retelling with an emphasis on Mankind.
  6. R

    Day Begins At Dawn Not Sunset or Midnight

    Thou shalt not surely die, was a designed lie by Satan. We know the Dinos were killed off 70 million years or so ago. Thus it seems the Death which God is speaking of was in reference unto Human Beings and our immortal souls via Sin, animals can't sin, animals eat animals. So, a lot of times...
  7. R

    Day Begins At Dawn Not Sunset or Midnight

    No, the Age of the Universe is not a guess, we can see that via the Speed of Light. The Age of Man can not be known by Scientists, because they have NO IDEA when God placed His Spirit into mankind or Adam. So, an Animal like man, with no Intellect, is NOT a Human Being with the impartation...
  8. R

    Does 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Teach Jesus Will Return With Dead Saints Now With Him In Heaven?

    No, you just hold your mouse cursor over the NUMBER, its easy, I am 57 also. I have done these studies for years, I don't try to just use them to prove a point, I do my exegesis with them, and thus I gain knowledge. Fir instance, go look at Rev. 1:1 the word SHORTLY actually means in a SHORT...
  9. R

    Day Begins At Dawn Not Sunset or Midnight

    Correct, the Universe was ordered to come into being 13.7 billion years ago, then 6000 or so years ago on the 6th Day (YOWM/tie period, or from roughly 300-350 million years ago unto 6000 years ago) God created Man in His own image, that simply means God placed His Spirit into mankind at that...
  10. R

    Galatians Discussion

    Correct, which is what verse 21 means, Is the Law then against the promises of God? God forbids (or HECK NO), of there had of been a law that was good enough to get us to Heaven this would have been that law, but its not because it can not ever Justify us, only Jesus can do that though his...
  11. R

    Does 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Teach Jesus Will Return With Dead Saints Now With Him In Heaven?

    These are much easier to use and better to me than all others that I have ever seen. Old Testament (Hebrew) New Testament (Greek)
  12. R

    Day Begins At Dawn Not Sunset or Midnight

    That is because there was 400 million Years of Darkness before the firsts Stars were ever formed. YOWM (Day, Month, Year, Season, TIME PERIOD in General) means TO BE HOT. Our time is derived from our planetary solar system. The Stars brought this into being. The Darkness was first, of course...
  13. R

    Galatians Discussion

    Its NOT WRONG, but what God is telling us is that we can not attain Life Eternal by keeping the Law, because just one violation f that Moral Code means we are guilty of violating God's Laws, thus we are stained with Sin which means we can not ever, ever, ever enter into the Presence of God in...
  14. R

    Does 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Teach Jesus Will Return With Dead Saints Now With Him In Heaven?

    You are deceived, its a waste to even debate it further tbh.
  15. R

    Does 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Teach Jesus Will Return With Dead Saints Now With Him In Heaven?

    I do more deep word searches that you ever seen before, you meanwhile post from the J.B. Phillips Bible !!
  16. R

    Does 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Teach Jesus Will Return With Dead Saints Now With Him In Heaven?

    Why do you guys always use some other Bible every time? You switch back and forth to try and prove a point, which makes me shake my head tbh, just post from one bible like the KJV or whatever and stick with it. Most people who can't understand the KJV, I then just post from the Holman version...
  17. R

    Does 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Teach Jesus Will Return With Dead Saints Now With Him In Heaven?

    EVENING & MORNING..............It's pointing ack unto what is being taken way, this is not that difficult, you rally need to stop trying to be a Prophecy wonk you have zero understanding on these things. Just because some human MEN translated it wrongly, then 10 or so verses later translates...
  18. R

    Slavery in the Bible

    There is a difference between a typo and and intended sleight, just asking this question was an intended dig at Christians and God, lets not play pretend.
  19. R

    Slavery in the Bible

    Yea a little common sense from trolls might help. God made Laws for His people regarding men who sold themselves into Slavery so those who did would be killed without recourse. Another Law says no Israelite could lay in wait and trap a man from anywhere, so enslaving a man was illegal, but a...
  20. R

    Does 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Teach Jesus Will Return With Dead Saints Now With Him In Heaven?

    Its 2300 Sacrifices, not days. I don't keep repeating things to people who can't hear them. Jesus tells us to wipe the dust off our feet when things are not received in a certain city, or in other words don't continue wasting you time when people refuse to hear the truths on any given matter...