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  1. FlyingDove

    Feast Of Trumpets 2020

    Feast Of Trumpets 2020 Begins at sunset Fri, Sept 18, 2020 & Ends at nightfall on Sun, Sept 20, 2020 The 7 feasts of the Lord are pre Appointed Times & Prophetic Shadows. The foundation all scripture is built on. 7 Feasts of the Lord: 1) Passover, 2) Unleavened Bread, 3) Firstfruits, 4)...
  2. FlyingDove

    I am loosing my job over WHAT

    Just WOW! Standing in prayer with you.
  3. FlyingDove

    Difficult situation

    Hello Levi, praying with you my brother.
  4. FlyingDove

    Praying for Joe

    Joe Biden has had 2 brain surgeries I now understand why he has trouble sensibility communicating.
  5. FlyingDove

    Women in leadership, as speakers, head coverings etc.

    Hello Moses_Young, I sent you a private message. FD
  6. FlyingDove

    Chosen by God - A study in Election

    Hello cv5, I stated my position & believe the scripture I posted support it. If anyone can provide ""1"" recorded God breathed scripture written by John Calvin. Or ""1"" recorded God breathed scripture written about John Calvin. I would be persuaded to reevaluate my position. Until then I...
  7. FlyingDove

    "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved".

    All scripture was written for us. Not all scripture is written to us. Scripture Study Tips When dissecting any verse of scripture. Ask yourself, of whom, to whom, with what words, what time, where, to what intent, with what circumstances, considering what is written before and what follows...
  8. FlyingDove

    Chosen by God - A study in Election

    Calvin's UNSCRIPTURAL limited atonement failure: Before the Father sent the Son to create our universe & man. The Godhead predestined a PLAN with a PATH to salvation/reconciliation. In the event man choose to sin/rebel. 1 John 2:2 Jesus is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only...
  9. FlyingDove

    Is the teaching of Jesus before His crucifixion only for Jews?

    The Book of James Scripture Study Tips: When dissecting any verse of scripture. Ask yourself, of whom, to whom, with what words, what time, where, to what intent, with what circumstances, considering what is written before and what follows any single verse context. ^^^Myles Coverdale, Bible...
  10. FlyingDove

    Is the teaching of Jesus before His crucifixion only for Jews?

    Hello Jackson, I see you've received a variety of opinions, I'll ad one more. Although ALL scripture is written for the NT believer, not ALL is written to the NT believers. Matt 15:24 Jesus answered & said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (NOTE: Jesus say's; He...
  11. FlyingDove

    Overcome, Overcomer, Overcometh

    Hello Andy, I've sent you a private reply. FD
  12. FlyingDove

    Women in leadership, as speakers, head coverings etc.

    The focus of the OP was woman should not be stopped from proclaiming Gods word. Nor does God see/treat them as of lesser value. The post referenced cultural head covering of the time. Roman/gentile woman wore head coverings for their reasons & Jewish/Israeli woman for there's, Paul reveals a...
  13. FlyingDove

    Overcome, Overcomer, Overcometh

    Hello Scribe, I sent you an in private reply. Best wishes FD
  14. FlyingDove

    Overcome, Overcomer, Overcometh

    Hello Andy, I believe God's word is alive, active (Heb 4:12), always accomplishes its purpose & NEVER returns to Him void (Isa 55:11) I see the posted scripture as the inspiration. My opinion comment is directed toward (MY NOTES). Best wishes FD.
  15. FlyingDove

    Women in leadership, as speakers, head coverings etc.

    Throughout scripture women proclaimed God's word & prophesied. The Samaritan woman at the well told/preached to men in her town. How, she'd found the promised Messiah. And they followed her to see/meet Him. Priscilla taught Apollos. Esther persuaded a king to withdraw his decree, saving the...
  16. FlyingDove

    Overcome, Overcomer, Overcometh

    Rev 2:7 Jesus said; He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. (NOTE: To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life) Rev 2:11 Jesus said...
  17. FlyingDove

    "The Times of the Gentiles" and "The Fulness of the Gentiles."

    Nov, 9 2012 The UN recognize Palestine (a bunch of Jordanian squatter's in 1948) as a state. And proclaimed East Jerusalam to belong to them. Under current international law, Israel is seen as an illegal occupier. Furthermore the Temple Mt where God placed His name (2 Chron 6:6, I Kings 9:3)...
  18. FlyingDove

    Manifestations/persons difference

    I believe co-equal is a false narrative. I understand many may disagree with my opinion. No harm, no foul, that’s your privilege. I'm simply sharing my own thoughts on this topic & bible verses. 1st, scripture proclaims: The Father, Son & Holy Spirit are all God. Father is God: Jn 6:27, Rom...
  19. FlyingDove

    God born as man - any reference in old testament?

    My comment was directed to you, not the OP or it's poster. Point being Abrahams father is pre-incarnation OT Jehovah/God the Son.
  20. FlyingDove

    God born as man - any reference in old testament?

    OT Jehovah is Jesus pre-incarnation: Zech 12:8-10 Identifies Jehovah with Jesus Christ 8) The LORD (Jehovah) defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; & he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; & the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them 9) it...