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  1. FlyingDove

    God born as man - any reference in old testament?

    Micah 5:2 Oh Bethlehem, you are little to be among the clans of Judah; out of you shall One come forth for Me Who is to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth have been from old, from everlasting.
  2. FlyingDove


    Hello Myrtle, To your 1st comment my thought is & point was, God himself placed a women in leadership & Paul did as well. 2ndly: I did say primary use & separated the thought with the traditional OT meaning. I completely agree with your view on respect. And believe we can balance scripture...
  3. FlyingDove


    Timothy, WOMEN & some history: His mother, Eunice, was a Jew, his father a Greek/gentile (Acts 16:1). He was schooled in OT scripture as a child (2 Tim 3:14-15). He joined Paul on his 2nd missionary journey in Galatia around 50AD (Acts 16:3-4) He's recorded to have been with Paul when he...
  4. FlyingDove

    Who is the Bride of the Lamb?

    New Jerusalem New Jerusalem is the home Jesus left to prepare for his disciples (Jn 14:3) It's radiance/beauty has the characteristics of a bride on her wedding day. 2 Cor 11:2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a...
  5. FlyingDove

    THE FORFEITURE OF CHRIST - FALLEN FROM GRACE (Galatians 2:21) - CHRIST IS BECOME OF NO EFFECT unto you...” (Galatians 5:4)

    I adamantly disagree: KJV Dictionary Definition: FORGIV'EN, pp. Pardoned remitted. Believers have been PARDONRD/forgiven <<< past tense, it's FINISHED! KJV Dictionary Definition: REMISSION: 5. Forgiveness; pardon; that is, the giving up of...
  6. FlyingDove

    THE FORFEITURE OF CHRIST - FALLEN FROM GRACE (Galatians 2:21) - CHRIST IS BECOME OF NO EFFECT unto you...” (Galatians 5:4)

    Chapter context is grace vs law. Those fallen from grace found here as well as in Heb 10. Were foretold of in the Parable of the Sower. The truth was revealed to & understood by them. Yet, they rejected Christ sin payment & chose to return to serving the law. Grace was offered & rejected. They...
  7. FlyingDove

    In the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory.

    The 12 Tribes mentioned in James 1:1 are Literal not Symbolic. God changed Jacobs name to Israel (Gen 32:28). The 12 tribes of Israel are Jacob's sons. Each son received a portion land. KJV Dictionary Definition: TRIBE, n. L. tribus. 1. A family, race or series of generations, descending...
  8. FlyingDove

    In the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory.

    Regeneration in Matt 19 & Acts 1 are references to covenant promises God made to Abraham. A promise/covenant blessing of a savior, DONE! A land promise. A partial list of Gods land covenant w/Israel: Jerusalem is a unique city, & is the "Capital of Israel" (Ps 87:1-2, Ps 132:13-14. God...
  9. FlyingDove

    What is the word "THAT" referring to in Ephesians 2: 8,9.

    I believe grace is the gift. Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (NOTE: Sins required wage is DEATH.) Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (NOTE: ALL are sinners & deserve DEATH) Eph 2:8 For...
  10. FlyingDove


    Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words: Dispensation [ 1,,G3622, oikonomia ] primarily signifies the management of a household or of household affairs" (oikos, "a house," nomos, "a law"); then the management or administration of the property of others, and so "a stewardship," Luke...
  11. FlyingDove

    Interpretation of the Pearl of Great Price; Matthew 13:45-46

    OP question: Interpretation of the Pearl of Great Price; Matthew 13:45-46 Interpretation's of these verses will vary. Adding mine: The man in the story is Christ. He gave everything he had. And in doing so, he bought the field = all believers. Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and...
  12. FlyingDove

    For those who read the Bible....

    My advise, Start with the gospel of John & read to & thru Hebrews & repeat.
  13. FlyingDove

    Core values

    Christ died for your sins, was buried & rose on the 3dr day.
  14. FlyingDove

    Is it permissible for a Christian to use lethal force to protect himself, others, or his state?

    Short answer: YES! Love your brother as yourself. If you were on the receiving end of a unwarrented life threating beatdown. Being commited by a large mob of lawless thugs. Would you want help (I know I would)? I watched the truck driver during the Rodney King riots. A large crowd stood in...
  15. FlyingDove

    Sins payment, a Mystrey/secret revealed

    KJV Dictionary Definition: MYS'TERY, n. L. mysterium; Gr. a secret. This word in Greek is rendered also murium latibulum; from that of hiding or shutting; to shut, to conceal. 1. A profound secret; something wholly unknown or something kept cautiously concealed, and therefore exciting curiosity...
  16. FlyingDove

    What does the verse mean: "Many are called but few are chosen"

    OP: What does the verse mean: "Many are called but few are chosen" Context is alway's KEY! Below Vine's Greek to English bible dictionary lists 7 meaning based on context used: 5 times as a verb, once a noun & in the verse questioned an adjective. I listed eklekto/Greek - chosen/English 1st...
  17. FlyingDove

    There Is "One" Future Resurrection Of All, On The Last Day

    I agree that everyone will be recurrected once. We disagree on this events time frames. 1 Cor 15:21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. (NOTE: Every human will be resurrected ONCE. Yet, scripture teaches an order of time frames) 1 Cor 15:20 But now is...
  18. FlyingDove

    Righteousness, Justification, Imputation, Remission, Sanctification

    Righteousness isn't/can't be earned through our good works or obedience. Righteousness was earned by & is then imputed thru, Christ's faith (Rom 3:22, Gal 2:16, 2:20, 3:22, Phil 3:9, Acts 26:18) and obedience (Rom 5:19). KJV Dictionary Definition: JUSTIFICATION; In theology, remission of sin...
  19. FlyingDove


    Op question: HOW MANY HOURS WAS JESUS DEAD ON THE CROSS? Mark 15:25 And it was the third hour (9am) & they crucified him. Mk 15:34 9th hr , verse 37 Jesus dies (3pm) Jesus is on the cross for 6 hrs & dies. His body is removed before sundown (Jn 19:38, Mk 15:46). At death (3pm) Jesus Spirit...
  20. FlyingDove

    Poll: Is the "social justice movement" related to critical race theory biblical?

    Social justice propaganda is rooted in Marxism. Freedom of free speech & rights to peaceful assembly are rooted in our constitutional republic. The riotous discord currently taking place. Isn't rooted in either, is in no way Christian/Christ like & can be summed up in a word: Deleterious! My...