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  1. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Also, thank you for validating my claim.You're a perfect example of what i'm talking about in this forum.
  2. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Well obviously you ignored my rants. Because you're completely off topic and have no idea what you're talking about
  3. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Anyone who believes and accepts the Nicene Creed
  4. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    It is not an opinion.It's a fact when it comes to doctrine faith and belief there is hate and division amongst Christians and this is because of the institutions, they promote it, they teach it. Why should I not be upset and call out an an institution and affiliation who are working together to...
  5. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    You should pray discern be well informed and think things through before you open your mouth.Yes you should. And i'm not lying because there is nothing lovely and praiseworthy coming from you right now. I know this is not who you truly are and I forgive you.
  6. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    I have been nothing but respectful towards you. Based on what you said and how you've acted towards me there's no other word I can use. The Bible says that if you hate someone you committed murder, so you're a murderer. I'm not gonna apologize for something that's true. I will do this, I will...
  7. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    You believe I hate christians or im anti christ and thats not true. Im anti institution. I don't believe a pastor should be paying tiths to an affiliation to fund the church and bills. That means the pastor must please his affiliation. They demand he grows the congregation and bring in more...
  8. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    You see where that judgment is getting you. You don't know anything about me or understand what im trying to show you.
  9. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Im not a false witness, I have spoken the truth. I believe in the Nicene Creed so im a brother. Unless of course you don't belive in the creed then I love you as my enemy.
  10. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Keep it up and you'll lose more brothers. Have a good day at work. Be blessed.
  11. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Your a murderer, becuse you have hate towards a brother.
  12. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Mathew 23 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, 2 “The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the law of Moses.[a] 3 So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don’t follow their example. For they don’t practice what they teach. 4 They...
  13. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Go ahead and get it all out, thats what im here for.
  14. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    I don't believe it's rude or disrespectful to hold Christianity accountable and call them out. That is not pertaining to any specific individual, that is not even pertaining to Christians in general. I'm specifically calling out the institution and revealing what it truly is. The Christian...
  15. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    No, the problem is that you call yourself a Christian and a follower of Christ, yet you're the first one to insult me, you're the first 1 on this form and discussion that has said, anything rude or been disrespectful. You're the first one congrats.
  16. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    I have spoken poorly about christianity and its institutions but I have not singled out anyone and spoke poorly about them. I have been respectful. Also im not athiest. Lastly christians should not be compering themselves with Athiest. Christians should not be held to the worlds standards...
  17. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    I can but I haven't spoken poorly of anyone here. You have towards me.
  18. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Again im not talking about the sheep seeking god. Im speaking about the institution. Try having a conversation with a reformed Presbyterian about what they believe. They believe we don't have a choice weather we are damned or saved, and god did not choose based on our choice. Free will is not...
  19. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Also again im not speaking about the sheep seeking god, Im speaking about the institution and the ones who represent the institution. I dont think im going over this again. An institution wants you to be invested in their institution, and will teach its members to be bias towards its...
  20. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Also they are CPC so they hold Armenian belifs and not reformed. So thats a poor example for reformed presbyterians. Who happen to be the majority of believers.