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  1. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    I should also point out their view of haven is new Jerusalem. Two completely different concepts from today. Greek orthodox also have a different view of heaven. They believe heaven is where god is but not necessarily a place. Again haven and hell as we know it are unknowns.
  2. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Yes, their concept of hell was much different than our concept of hell now. There was also no concept of heaven. Hell is the place of the dead and we already know that's a place of waiting and rest. The trash heap is what Jesus was talking about.And that's the place where god destroys bolth the...
  3. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    I'm not talking about other groups that are not believers. I'm talking about the groups that agree on the nicene creed and are trinitarian christians. Christians are bigots towards one another. Also, there's no mention in the Bible about there being an eternal damnation and punishment. The word...
  4. N

    Dream with 88

    I know. No worries man. Enjoy your day.
  5. N

    Dream with 88

    Its this one lynx
  6. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    That's possible. again I'm not trying to throw you under the bus or anything man.I just thought it was kind of funny.
  7. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Dictionary definition is a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. Considering Christians should be an example...
  8. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Yeah I could tell, you're good at it.
  9. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Lol. Well... I mean... I know lots of people who are wrong about lots of things. I just move on and let them be wrong if they are determined to. You asked about our opinions on a dream you had. We gave you our opinion. You thought some of us were wrong about our opinions. That should be the end...
  10. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    You know, you're absolutely, right.You're correct. Thanks for that and you know it's an issue I'm working through right now.You know , hindsight is twenty twenty , but when you're in the middle of it , sometimes you just gotta throw a fit. It won't be long and I'll be done being vocal about it...
  11. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Again, you're not validating anything.You're saying you're just saying things.If there's a bunch of contradictions point them out so that I can do better and really.That's a matter of opinion.If you ask people , you will get a lot of people that say that the old new testament contradict each...
  12. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    You are bearing false witness. I didn't realize that you were using the discussion I was having with you right now as an example, but obviously you are, cause you're grasping for straws.Trying everything you can to invalidate me because you're offended by me. So I would also put revenge on that...
  13. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Actually, magenta is the one that called me a liar. I didn't call her a liar. And yes, I did make those statements. And if I did happen to call her a liar, then I completely forgot that I called her a liar. Now, when I look into your comments, it seems like you don't want to have a debate with...
  14. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Again, you're bearing false witness.I may have disagreement and I explain myself and back it up with scripture and if they don't agree then fine.I don't beat them over the head.I don't insult them.It's a discussion.I only call one person a liar and I think most of the people on that form would...
  15. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    I'm only simply stating what the Bible says.If you have hate towards a brother you commit murder. You have hate towards me, Magenta has hate towards me.You're both murderers. There were a few times I got into an argument. I've only been to 2 forms on the site. One of the arguments we had was...
  16. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Also take into consideration how many times you've sinned towards me? Trying to make me look like a fool and try to make me look like the bad guy. And that's okay. I accept that title and position. Doesn't deny the fact that you're bearing false witness against me, and you're not backing it up.
  17. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    It's true, half the time I really don't know what people are talking about.
  18. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    There were a few people here and there who had a disagreement with me about something, but we discussed it. And we talked and we shared our sides. And this really is what the forum's about is discussing things and learning things and sometimes we have disagreements. It turns out that most of the...
  19. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Actually, I didn't really have a whole bunch of people against me in the Bible discussion form. A lot of people actually have good discussions with me.The only person who I had an issue with was one individual and it wasn't just me having an issue with him. It was a lot of people having an issue...
  20. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Just so you know 15 million christians left the faith within the last 10 years. Regular church attendance went from 42% to 30%. But guess what, christianity is growing. Just not church attendance. What does that tell you. I suppose god is working it out. Looks like we won't have the christian...