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  1. Shepherd

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    Other than the false tongues, the main error is their common teachings that one can be saved then lost again. And that one must keep themselves saved to make it to Heaven.
  2. Shepherd

    Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?

    Right. God is not 3 separate persons. He is three persons in one. Jesus said "I and my Father are one" for example. How can that be? How can God speak into nothingness and create matter, energy and life? How can He walk on water? Make the blind to see? die and rise again? I don't understand it...
  3. Shepherd

    Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?

    Brother, Any physical act, whether it's batheing or blinking an eye.; anything you "do" is a work. Salvation takes place in the heart. Nobody can see "a salvation". But you might get to see the results.
  4. Shepherd

    Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?

    Brother, that doesn't even mention "baptism". Salvation is by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation from what? Sin, self and Hell! One gets saved by turning from sin/self to Jesus by faith. ALL of salvation takes place in your heart. A blind, deaf, mute, quadriplegic who can't...
  5. Shepherd

    Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?

    It's astounding how people will jump through hoops, climb the tallest trees and hang upside down whislin' Dixie just to prove their doctrines in the Bible. Bro, the thief on the cross died right next to Jesus and, correct me if I'm wrong but, the time period of Jesus' life is recorded in and by...
  6. Shepherd

    Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?

    ...and no, baptism is not necessary for salvation. Salvation is about turning to Jesus in your heart, by faith. Dunking in water is a "work". The thief on the cross went to heaven but had no opportunity to be baptized in water.
  7. Shepherd

    Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?

    "Sons of God" are always believers. Human believers. They are defined as such in John 1:12 and at least 2 other places in the NT by saying things like "we"(believers) are the "sons of God" and "they"(believers) are the "sons of God" . There is none such passage which equates "sons of God" with...
  8. Shepherd

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Grandma and Grandpa are out sitting on the porch rocking. After awhile grandma looks over at grandpa and sweetly says, Honey, I'm sure proud of you. He replies "what was that?". So she says a little louder "I'm sure proud of you!". He says "huh?". Much louder she replies: "I'M SURE PROUD OF...
  9. Shepherd

    Genesis one

    You said: Genesis 6:2 The sons of God saw the daughters and took wives of all (contact made) still not called "messengers" Genesis 6:4 The sons of God(after contact made) began procreating.....still not called "messengers" Still calls them "sons of God" after contact was made. But you...
  10. Shepherd

    Genesis one

    Hold that thought a sec....... Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Here they've already made the...
  11. Shepherd

    Genesis one

    Here is is again..... Hebrews 1:5 For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? So If the Holy Spirit inspired the above to be written. Then why inspire "angels" to be written...
  12. Shepherd

    Genesis one

    The word "angel" is in the Book of Job. Why doesn't it read "sons of God" there as well? Because things that are different are not the same. Angels have never been "sons of God". Tell me this: if 3 angels were "sons of God" then one of them would be a "son of God". Is that the truth or is it...
  13. Shepherd

    Genesis one

    The word "angel" is not in Genesis 6
  14. Shepherd

    Genesis one

    #6 So if we can agree that Enoch was a "son of God" by faith, where did he fit in, during this time period? Was he one of the fallen angels marrying women? Because it says THE sons of God did this and that, not some of them. He would have to be included in this number, correct?
  15. Shepherd

    Genesis one

    Ok, So we see that Enoch was a contemporary with these "sons of God" which did these things "as men began to multiply in the earth". Was he not such a man of extraordinary by faith that he never had to die? If so, was Enoch not a "son of God" by faith? Let's zero in on Enoch........ Time...
  16. Shepherd

    Genesis one

    Genesis 6 is a summary and conclusion of all of the events in Genesis 4 and 5. Believers during this time, including the named individuals in Genesis 5, became polygamous as they "took "wives of all", and as they were "marrying and giving in Marriage"(Matthew 20:38) they would have formed...
  17. Shepherd

    Who else plays guitar?

    Same here. I was doing gigs and going to jam sessions almost every weekend for a few years. Now my calluses are pretty much gone. I had just started going back to jam sessions when the Corona virus came along.
  18. Shepherd

    A 'Help indeed' to your wife...

    Ephesians 5:22-33 Colossians 3: 18-19 1 Corinthains 7:1-5 Titus 2:1-8 In Ephesians 5. Colossians 3, and 1 Corinthians 7, I find that Paul gave specific admonitions to BOTH husbands and wives at the same time. Thereby, neither sex was singled out. So, if your pastor, for instance were to...
  19. Shepherd

    Who else plays guitar?

    Yes, I play guitar and 5 string banjo. This is our daughter singing and son on mandolin (he can play anything with strings). My lovely wife was sitting this one out.
  20. Shepherd

    Three Questions for Calvinists

    The only difference between a staunch Calvinist and a "hyper" Calvinist is that one needs a good dose of Ritalin. ...or discern/ "rightly divide" them.