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  1. Shepherd

    Three Questions for Calvinists

    Not merely "chosen:. It says "Chosen" THROUGH "sanctification of the Spirit" and "belief of the truth".
  2. Shepherd

    Three Questions for Calvinists

    That is so true. Predestination is about God's people being conformed to the image of Christ. Election, is about service and purpose: Even Christ is "elect". Neither doctrine has to do with being "chosen to salvation". The men who were invited to the supper were invited because the Lord/Master...
  3. Shepherd

    Three Questions for Calvinists

    Because, according to "TULIP" theology, If God (metaphorically the master in the parable) had wanted them to come, from the beginning, they would have been "unconditionally elected" and could not have refused because of "irresistable grace".
  4. Shepherd

    Has anyone converted a Dewalt Radical Radio Arm Saw into a Router CNC type machine?

    The reason that I asked; I have built CNC machines including a hot-wire foam cutter, 3D printer and am working on a 4x8 router table, a 4x8 plasma cutter table and a CNC sawmill. I was just curious.
  5. Shepherd

    Three Questions for Calvinists

    Luke 14 15And when one of them that sat at meat with him heard these things, he said unto him, Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God.16Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many: 17And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were...
  6. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    Brother I won't participate in this thread anymore I apologize for missing or overlooking that stipulation.
  7. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    Now would that be Christlike of you to do that? Doesn't the Bible say that "open rebuke is better than secret love"? Why not just "rebuke" the man like you've done to me several times already?
  8. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    Yes it is. The same pastor who was so vehement about pushing the "angels cohabiting with women" thing also taught other stuff such as that kids "inherit their blood from their father",(never mind that my Dad and I had different blood types). Also that Ham committed a "homosexual act" on his...
  9. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and rainbow Unicorns aren't real and the Paracas skulls are from native American human beings who had their heads mutilated and deformed by their mamas. Poor kids.
  10. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    Well fee fi fo fum why are we reading scr The deformed skulls in Peru are the result of cranial binding. These poor, ignorant folks would continually squash their infants soft heads on flat boards until they ended up deformed for the rest of their miserable lives. Now, modern ignorant folks...
  11. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    Once again, it says He did it because: The wickedness of man was great. It implies neither a genetic reason nor a corrupt genetic result. God did it because mankind was wicked, end of story.
  12. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    That would seem to be at least a secondary factor in this case. My old pastor would tell this crazy story, dare anyone to disagree with him and even say, in so many words, that he interpreted the Bible more correctly than anyone else; yet he actually would quote on a number of occasions that...
  13. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    The Bible says they took "wives". A "wife" is a substantially more permanent relationship than a simple "mating" wouldn't you say? Not only that, but "he that findeth a wife" "finds a good thing" and "obtains favor of the Lord". Simple "mating"? I had an old pastor, who believed as you do, and...
  14. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    Three groups of Old Testament Sinners are mentioned in Jude: #1 God kicked the angels out of Heaven. Why? Because they wanted power and glory to themselves. They "despised dominion". #2. The Israelites repeatedly murmured against Moses and Aaron and gave him a hard time. They "spake evil of...
  15. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    4But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: 5And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know...
  16. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Colossians 2:9 .......Christ. 9For in him dwelleth all the fulness of...
  17. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    He's also in the Koran.....
  18. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    Yes, Jesus is the I AM, the Alpha and Omega, The Word. We should all know that. So what is your point? Abraham stood "before the Lord", Moses was "before the Lord", some "sons of God" presented themselves "before the Lord". They stood before God somewhere on planet earth and Satan came too, "the...