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  1. Shepherd

    What is meant when people say 'guns don't kill people; people do'?

    I would be perfectly fine with every gun on earth disappearing by tomorrow morning; even my own. But I'm realistic enough to know that will never happen. So, until that wonderful utopian day arrives, I will keep my 9mm and my AR15'. God even gave sheep horns to defend themselves.
  2. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    Yes, Abraham "stood before the Lord" and Moses was "before the Lord". Shows that you don't have to travel to Heaven to do that.
  3. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    The "reason for the flood" is clearly given in Genesis 6 #1 The wickedness of man (verse 5) #2 The earth was filled with violence(verse 11) #3 The earth was "corrupt" because of corrupt behavior. "for all flesh had corrupted his way"(verse 12)
  4. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    Go back and read what I said. I did start to say "it has a solid iron core" but figured somebody would say "how do you know that?" (sigh) .
  5. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    No, here it does not say "all" the sons of God. It says "there was a day, when.....". it was only sons of God living at that point in time. Yes, Job was one of the sons of God because he was a believer. And I twisted nothing. All I said, can be backed up with scripture as I have already done...
  6. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    Here's one verse to show you that God not only fills the Universe, all of space, but He exists in the past and the future. John 8:56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. 57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen...
  7. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    God asked Job to answer the question "where wast thou", should Job have the "understanding". It doesn't take much "understanding at all " to say "that's easy, I wasn't born yet". My 4-yo grandaughter could do that without blinking an eye. Neither does the passage say that this even was "the...
  8. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    Yes, that's true, because the OT was written in Hebrew. In the New Testament it's written, "Teknon Theos", (greek)which means basically the same thing; "son of God". I looked yours up: Did you look up "mighty man", 'and "after" ?
  9. Shepherd

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    I'm just going to leave your text bolded here, as you posted it. I'll be quoted from the 1611 King James Bible. Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became...
  10. Shepherd

    Many are called but few are chosen

    No, they had not received the Holy Spirit and it was their claim to have done wonderful works. But when a person gets saved, he/she is indwelled with the Holy Spirit. In other places it is called "born of the Spirit". God never "knew" the persons referred to in verse 23. See John 10:14 about...
  11. Shepherd

    Free Will - A More Exhaustive Look

    I have...some people's kids.
  12. Shepherd

    Free Will - A More Exhaustive Look

    God's plan was to send His only begotten Son, to die, be buried, and rise again so that whosoever believes on Him should not perish but have everlasting life, to make that message known via His "elect" (chosen for a purpose) preaching the Gospel, and to "predestinate" those "elect" to be...
  13. Shepherd

    Free Will - A More Exhaustive Look

    To some, the "terror" of the death penalty is a deterrent, but some people murder anyway. Likewise, God making you terrified doesn't change your will, He just scares you enough that you are presented with the choice: repent or keep on sinning. It is you who "devise your way". God metes out the...
  14. Shepherd

    The powers that be...

    Romans 13 1Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3For rulers are not a...
  15. Shepherd

    He Who Spares His Rod Hates His Son

    "And spare not for his crying....". ....." Oh please dad(sob) it hurts when you measure me like that"!!!! ;)
  16. Shepherd

    Uvalde, TX School Shooting

    I have a solution; since guns are intrinsically evil, we should petition our representatives to write up a bill, pass it into a law which will eliminate all guns. Lets even have a government with no guns. No guns for cops, no guns for the military; none, zilch. problem solved. Reckon that would...
  17. Shepherd

    Were Nephilim (Gen 6) judged differently by God?

    At least you have a good idea of what repentance means. I'm going to leave it with you bro LOL. God bless.
  18. Shepherd

    Were Nephilim (Gen 6) judged differently by God?

    The angel-human hybrid interpretation is the fantasy, the true interpretation of the passage is NOT fantasy