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  1. Butterflyyy

    Blessings Everyone!

    Hey Heartcall It’s such a blessing to have you here 😃 Maybe you could give advice how I can improve on guitar?! Hope you don’t mind me asking 🤗 Looking forward to hearing your music brother. Blessings 🦋✝️
  2. Butterflyyy

    Why women like men lol....

    I like men who wear nice aftershave, are chivalrous and especially men who genuinely have a Christlike character... it’s a beautiful feeling to know a man is caring and protective toward you... a most especially appealing quality and one I think I respect most of all... is faithfulness... a man...
  3. Butterflyyy

    Why men like women!

    Sorry to gate-crash this but... you like us because God made you like that 🥰😁
  4. Butterflyyy

    Why do men and women hate each other?

    Hey SS It’s because Satan is the God of this world and has blinded the minds of the people- this is what the Word says and it’s sadly so true. The encouraging thing is, that when a person, male or female lol, when they get born again of Christ, He gives them a new heart, a new mind, they become...
  5. Butterflyyy

    Please pray for my Son Elijah...

    Elijah is 16 and has recently become a Dad. The girl is older than him, but he wants to be a good Father to the baby and to do right by the girl. He is vulnerable and needs prayer. Things are very difficult for him at this time, with boys around him who encourage him to smoke Cannabis and do bad...
  6. Butterflyyy

    Satans demons keep attacking me why?

    The battle is the Lord’s and it’s so good to be reminded about this battle; I am now going to read about the spiritual weapons of warfare that are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds and every high thing which exalts itself against the knowledge of God. I am in a battle right now so if you...
  7. Butterflyyy

    Satans demons keep attacking me why?

    Lol Karen has this Thread really been going for ten years that sure is a testimony of how we need to keep our armour on for our entire walk!! Until we are with our blessed Saviour! 💟✝️🕎
  8. Butterflyyy

    Satans demons keep attacking me why?

    Rebuke this in the name of Jesus. Even in your sleep rebuke. Have none of it- when the evil comes the Bible tells us after we have our armour on and we have done all, to stand. There is power in the name of Jesus, they are TERRIFIED of Him. Remember when He cast them out into a herd of pigs...
  9. Butterflyyy

    Drifted from god

    Well done Kait for having a good attitude- if you can look up the words Jesus said either online or in a Bible, I’m sure He will speak to your heart and it will help you. Lots of love and blessings to you in Jesus xxx
  10. Butterflyyy

    Drifted from god

    Hey Kait It will get better... I can relate to many of the things you have said, but God is our ever present help in time of trouble... He really loves you. Cast your cares on Him for He cares for you. These are difficult times we are in and last year was very hard for many people. There is so...
  11. Butterflyyy

    Russia offers generous terms to Ukraine

    Yup...that’s what it says
  12. Butterflyyy

    Russia offers generous terms to Ukraine
  13. Butterflyyy

    Russia offers generous terms to Ukraine

    And they say grain prices will go through the roof which sounds about right according to Scripture...God is in control... He says He will provide for His people in famine... best thing is to make sure you are close to Him and at peace.
  14. Butterflyyy

    Midnight Confessions

    Hey Tourist I’m just listening to Derek Prince on Youtube and he is talking about how we can tell demons to get out of us in the Name of Jesus. He said there is a Spirit of nicotine addiction so I thought it may be helpful for you. You could tell it to go in Jesus Name and tell it to go into...