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  1. Butterflyyy

    The Church Needs an Upgrade

    The Church is a bunch of people and the upgrade needed is the anointing of the Holy Spirit which we are to always be filled with. Holiness exalts a nation. Amen
  2. Butterflyyy

    I had to take a break from CC.

    Yes SC ...everyone’s opinions can be overwhelming at times... 🙂 Remember Jesus does not want you to worry or be anxious about anything...He understands all about it🙂
  3. Butterflyyy

    A Christian Couple is Engaged. One Has an Accident, Leaving Them Partially Paralyzed. Should They Still Marry?

    Saying your a Christian and actually being one can be two very different things. I don’t need to get back to you in 20 years; my life has been hard and I have stuck by people I love for years, even when my life has been at risk. Love never fails.
  4. Butterflyyy

    A Christian Couple is Engaged. One Has an Accident, Leaving Them Partially Paralyzed. Should They Still Marry?

    I guess it just depends on mutual attraction being there... I certainly wouldn’t want to marry someone who lusted after me and had his own selfish desire for sex as his reason for marrying... ugh lol.
  5. Butterflyyy

    A Christian Couple is Engaged. One Has an Accident, Leaving Them Partially Paralyzed. Should They Still Marry?

    Which is why I said, “ If he was Christian.” I have no idea who he is; I was merely illustrating that a man being disabled does not and would not affect me being attracted to him or in love with him should he be the right one for me.
  6. Butterflyyy

    A Christian Couple is Engaged. One Has an Accident, Leaving Them Partially Paralyzed. Should They Still Marry?

    Oh wow SS, Mr Cawthorn is gorgeous lol 😍...I would defo marry him if he was around my age and a Christian 😆🥰 In answer to your question though, if you marry someone because you love them then surely you would always love them... and get grace from God for any trials... none of us have any...
  7. Butterflyyy

    Struggle with Masturbation

    So I was thinking... imagine if you gave yourself to this thing... let’s just say you gave in and did it all the time as much as you could, (as far as I’m aware it creates dopamine in the body which is addictive)... then imagine how you would feel when you face the Lord- I reckon you would...
  8. Butterflyyy

    Hey How are you? 🙂

    Hey How are you? 🙂
  9. Butterflyyy

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    Gary, do you believe that the moon or any of the Planets are spherical?
  10. Butterflyyy

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    Maybe because coffee is so addictive lol
  11. Butterflyyy

    Does God choose your spouse or do you with God's guidance?

    Hi SC I used this spelling because as far as I understand, this is the original spelling of the Hebrew name, with a gutteral ‘ch’ sound at the end. I personally do not like to depend on what Wikipedia has to say because as far as I’m aware, just about anyone can contribute to it and change it...
  12. Butterflyyy

    Does God choose your spouse or do you with God's guidance?

    The Bible says this is not for everyone and also it says that people were marrying and giving in marriage right up until the end like in the days of Noach. 👍
  13. Butterflyyy

    Scripture Art and Various Creative Conceptions Born of Love

    ...but according to the Bible, a New Year has recently begun!! 😀🥰💖
  14. Butterflyyy

    Having a non-Christian best friend

    Hi Grigor What do you think of Psalm 1? Also have you ever tried to win her lost soul to Christ? Have there been any times you have spoken to her about your relationship with Him? The verse about light and darkness not being able to mix came to mind. I think you are discerning something very...
  15. Butterflyyy

    Does God choose your spouse or do you with God's guidance?

    Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33 Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and...
  16. Butterflyyy

    Baptized by the spirit in Morocco

    Hi Please ask questions, we will try to answer 🙂
  17. Butterflyyy

    Inspiring Quotes

    I wonder if this was Corrie Ten Boom’s quote 🤔 She said so many wonderful things. Anyways thank you for this, it’s a timely blessing for me to be reminded 😊🦋
  18. Butterflyyy

    Feeling so lost and lonely in life

    Hey INOS How’s it going? Did you find a Church where you get spiritually fed and encouraged? x