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  1. Butterflyyy

    Please pray for my Son Elijah...

    An update on the situation with Elijah: there is ongoing and truly amazing progress with Elijah; please continue to pray, he really is trying his best and I am seeing breakthroughs; God really is answering prayer... it’s not easy but I am SO thankful for God’s mercy and help. Thank you so much...
  2. Butterflyyy

    Why am I depressed even though I'm a christian?

    Always read ALL the side effects of what the Doctor gives out because a lot of meds can actually cause suicidal thoughts...and tapering off any such meds ought to be done extremely gradually and carefully... Keep trusting Him through the storms... they do pass and the Lord works the good times...
  3. Butterflyyy

    Lets laugh together!

    Ima cry
  4. Butterflyyy

    Story time about me getting saved (more down to earth version)

    Hope you guys are blessed by this...
  5. Butterflyyy

    How I became a Christian.

    I have to say, SC, I know for a fact that I am His Child; I have been in a real relationship with Him for 26 years and in some ways all my life. I have had some amazing experiences of Him and once He spoke audibly to me. He has proved Himself to me over and over again, and I am moved almost to...
  6. Butterflyyy

    How I became a Christian.

    When I have had anxiety this verse in Philippians 4 has helped me: 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your...
  7. Butterflyyy

    How I became a Christian.

    We need to know what the Bible says for ourselves don’t we... because, as you said, these Bible Teachers are mere men afterall. 🦋
  8. Butterflyyy

    How I became a Christian.

    The Spirit shows what is true and will come and guide you into the full truth. The Spirit doesn't speak on his own. He will tell you only what he has heard from me, and he will let you know what is going to happen. John 16:13 🙂
  9. Butterflyyy

    How I became a Christian.

    Dear SC Reading your post made me think to ask you this; do you ask God to fill you with His Spirit? Have you searched for Him with all your heart and asked Him to baptise you in His Spirit? I’m hoping this is some help to you. You are obviously acknowledging Him in all your ways; I heard this...
  10. Butterflyyy

    Mental and Emotional Problems

    Amen He gives us new life, what a wonderful reminder, thank you!! 🤗🥰🦋
  11. Butterflyyy

    Is it Biblical to marry a divorced person?

    This is taking scripture out of context. We have to look at what the whole Bible says about this. This comment is leaning on our own understanding which Procerbs 3 v 5&6 tells us not to do. Each one of us must be led by the Spirit of God. If God calls someone to a situation like this then He...
  12. Butterflyyy

    Question for the mothers and wives on the chat.

    Thank you for sharing all that; keep praying for your wife, brother... seek Him about your own heart and then you will not have your prayers for her hindered.., The Word tells us that Christ is your Leader- so He will help you know what to do about all this. He hears your prayers said from a...
  13. Butterflyyy

    Question for the mothers and wives on the chat.

    Do you think it’s right to ignore it and keep silent, brother? This is definitely a matter for prayer and I hope your family is in a good church where the Bible is preached and they pray for one another. Do you have Bible reading and prayer as a family?
  14. Butterflyyy

    Is it Biblical to marry a divorced person?

    The Bible says that only under certain circumstances is this allowed; for the sake of adultery, if an unbelieving spouse wants to leave or if the former spouse dies. We are told to rightly divide the Word of God, and when studied, this is what it says. It is therefore important that we do not...
  15. Butterflyyy

    Question for the mothers and wives on the chat.

    Your Mother was absolutely right to bring you up like that and I don’t think you should question your own decent moral standards; it’s not you with the problem here, it’s not you who needs to change behaviour. You are definitely not overreacting.
  16. Butterflyyy

    Hey SC I am, thank you! I managed to give some tracts out yesterday and I’ve had some nice...

    Hey SC I am, thank you! I managed to give some tracts out yesterday and I’ve had some nice chocolate cake today! I’ve been reading some Psalms this morning which blessed me. Hope you are blessed too 😊
  17. Butterflyyy

    Question for the mothers and wives on the chat.

    Something is really wrong here. I was a wife for 15+ years and I have been a Mother for 26+ years. The Bible says that ‘you shall not uncover your family’s nakedness,’ and it seems very wrong to be naked in front of another family member. Obviously a husband and wife are not ashamed but again...