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  1. Fillan

    can you guys post something funny please?

    A guy was eating at a restaurant and signaled the waiter. 'Waiter, waiter, my soup is cold!' The Waiter replied 'It's Gazpacho Sir' 'Gazpacho, my soup is cold!' :)
  2. Fillan

    can you guys post something funny please?

    To err is human, to blame it on someone else shows management potential! :)
  3. Fillan

    1+1=2 Tribulation

    Yes. The prophet Jeremiah called it the time of Jacob's trouble: How awful that day will be! No other will be like it. It will be a time of trouble for Jacob, but he will be saved out of it (Jeremiah 30:7) In verse three of the same chapter Jeremiah also places the time, immediately after...
  4. Fillan

    Can anyone really doubt we are living in the Last Days?

    Hello John. Thank you for your reply. Please get back to me with more detail as you have opportunity. Looking forward to it. God Bless You :)
  5. Fillan

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Sir Elton John was asked to do some charity work in East London, he began by speaking to street gang members. Impressed by a celebrity the gang leaders agreed to hand in their weapons, whereupon Elton burst into song and the gang leaders immediately asked for their weapons back :)
  6. Fillan

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine :)
  7. Fillan

    can you guys post something funny please?

    A guy took his car to a mechanic and reported that it was making a terrible noise. After checking the car over the mechanic suggested that he take out the Taylor Swift CD. :)
  8. Fillan

    can you guys post something funny please?

    A beekeeper ordered a hundred new honey bees from a company and was surprised when he was sent two hundred instead. He phoned the company to see if there had been an mistake, they told him that the other 100 were free bees! :)
  9. Fillan

    Should a Christian celebrate christmas or easter?

    They can be good times for Evangelism, some un-churched people are more likely to attend a church event at Christmas, or even Easter. At church we have a Christmas lunch/ party primarily but not exclusively for pensioners and disabled folks in December. Often several un-churched folks come...
  10. Fillan

    If you like to use cash money or checks instead of credit or debit cards, give me a shout.

    I use both. But I prefer to use cash if I can, digital only where I absolutely must. Not only because cash has been tried and tested in societies for thousands of years whereas digital is relatively new and untested. But also because a cashless society may well be paving the way for the mark...
  11. Fillan

    monks costume is inappropriate for church?

    Maybe next year maybe wear something different. I saw a gorilla costume in a shop window, would that be an idea? No-one will know that's it's you and there won't be any complaints :) God Bless :)
  12. Fillan

    Comment by 'Fillan' in media 'Beautiful Scottish Sunset'

    Thanks Talljake! :)
  13. Beautiful Scottish Sunset

    Beautiful Scottish Sunset

    The village of Comrie, on the Edge of the Scottish Highlands.
  14. Fillan

    Can a Christian be a follower of Buddha?

    Acts 4: 11 Jesus is “‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’ 12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Only in the name of Jesus is there salvation. You must be saved in the name of...
  15. Fillan

    can you guys post something funny please?

    A guy walked into a diner, there was an old guy sitting at a table and a terrier lying on the carpet beside him. Trying to be friendly he said 'Does your dog bite?'. The old guy said 'No!' So the guy bent down to pat the terrier, it went berserk and nearly ripped his hand off. Finally the...
  16. Fillan

    Miracle workers who couldn't heal themselves!!!

    Hello Blade. The enemies of Jesus attacked the source of his miracles, saying they were of the devil. The Pharisees didn't ever question that the miracles took place- when Jesus healed it was obvious, very spectacular, often public and instantaneous. No-one could say that Lazarus wasn't raised...
  17. Fillan

    can you guys post something funny please?

    The Saducee sect didn't believe in a resurrection or an after life. That's why they were sad, u see? :)
  18. Fillan

    Comment by 'Fillan' in media 'IMG_20231024_095939202~2.jpg'

    Beautiful, thanks for sharing! :)
  19. Fillan

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Q) Do all fairy tales begin with 'once upon a time?' A) No, some begin with 'If I'm elected I promise......' :D
  20. Fillan

    New here

    Welcome Jessica! I hope you like it here. A big hello from Scotland :)