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  1. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    For Catholics

    Good point! Also explains why I didn't watch the video and why I've lost interest in this thread. Still not accurate, but closer to Isaiah 11:6... The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child...
  2. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Piercings/ tattooes?

    I guess I've always found skin kinda sexy as it is... If I want to see art work, there are these places called museums. What about make-up? The nice thing is that the stuff washes off a lot easier than a tattoo. Piercings? Kinda bugs me when I look at a person and see lots of studs and...
  3. Test_F_i_2_Luv


    Whatever ya do, don't reveal your age. It's just a number, of course, even if his happens to be 50 or 60 away from yours.
  4. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    judging people for not marrying

    1. what are your perceptions of someone who remains single beyond the age most people choose to marry? When I become aware that a person is single, my logical mentality sometimes wonders why the person is single. I can't say I spend much time speculating, though. I'm more likely to just...
  5. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    The Death Penalty

    I suspect there will be those who completely object to the death penalty for the guilty, yet find the death penalty for innocent unborn humans(also known as abortion) to be just fine.
  6. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    what's in your purse?

    Oh puhleeeeese....don't get me started! I mean, SERIOUSLY, don't get me started! Noooooooooooooooo!!!!
  7. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    becoming worthy of that (so-called) dream spouse

    Yeah! That's what I was thinking...the womenzzz gotta call it a sammich or it's over! Very important this is!
  8. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Unmarried and Happy About it!

    Praying for a spouse. Some of it is complaining to Him. This picture kinda summarizes me sometimes...
  9. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Whats your age bracket?

    I'm a mere 75 years younger than the world's oldest* living person. Misao Okawa of Japan(turned 116 in March 2014). *Age verified by Gerontology Research Group. Three documents required to be "verified".