Search results

  1. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Christian Cuss'n (Humor)

    . . Got any to add to this list, butt dumplings? :p
  2. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    So, How Are We Going to Pay for This?

    From an unlikely source, a great question!
  3. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Is Socialism biblical?

    My taxes this year were so frustrating/irritating because of rationcare/obamadoesntcare! Aside from line 38, everything went rather smooth.
  4. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Your Top Issues in USA Election 2016?

    As you're trying to decide(or have decided) who to support for president, what issue(s) have been at the top of your list? Notice the question is asking about names of issues, not about the names of candidates. If you're not sure how to describe a issue(s), a rather detailed list of issues can...
  5. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Why I believe you shouldn't vote for trump

    S̶a̶y̶ write what? Your profile shows "Join DateOctober 11th, 2014"
  6. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Will You Vote Trump?

    Going to take more than 16 years to fix the mess. A good start, though, would be to stop the national debt from continuing to skyrocket. We go about $1 million/minute in the hole, or better than $16,500/second. Each US citizen's responsibility is about $59,000+. Let the good times...
  7. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Will You Vote Trump?

    I'll be voting for whoever has the best potential to win against Shrillary or Bernie. I'm more concerned with the Supreme Court at this point. The more leftist and liberal the court gets, the more: -Unborn humans lives are at risk. -The more freedom of religion is at peril. -The more...
  8. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Out of Context - Whether Funny or Frustrating

    Surely you've heard it or seen it in writing...someone quoting the Bible and taking a verse out of context and just torturing it's meaning. You either laughed because you thought it was so incredible that someone could misunderstand a verse(s) that bad, or you were frustrated beyond belief that...
  9. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    once saved always saved saved is a doctrine of the devil

    I'm thrilled to see that the debate that began about 400 years ago in the 17th Century has finally been resolved in the last 3+ years(thread started in 2012) here at Christianchat!
  10. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Another Year Older ...

    Oldest known woman... If she can make it to July, she'll be 117. She's got quite a few years on us 40-somethings. :)
  11. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Curious Question: Why do dogs have to be chained while cats get to run free...???

    My thought: I'm trying to remember the last time I saw a person walking a cat... Another thought: I'm trying to think of a time I saw someone leashing his/her cat to go out to the bathroom.
  12. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Baseball 2015

    Strange how baseball works. The Twins played terrible against the Tigers(0-3) and White Sox(1-2) and then come home and play the Royals and win 2 of 3. They have not played well at home in recent years.
  13. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Baseball 2015

    ...and the MN Twins will go 162-0 as well. Then it'll be time for a repeat of the 1987 World Series! :D Didn't realize there was a MLB game today. And it wasn't the NY pinheads playing, either! Baseball is back! Yyyyyyyyes!
  14. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    You know you're getting old when......... make headlines for being the oldest living person known. Misawo Okawa was born March 5th, 1898. She is the 5th person in modern history to reach 117 years of age. The last time a person made it to 117 was in 1997. The dude on the far left is her 92 year old son.
  15. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it

    *Beware - if you have some phobia of hands, skip my post. There are pictures galore of my hands. :P AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...OHHHHHHHHHHHH NoOoOoOoOoOoO...HEAVEN HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!! :: exhale :: ...Ok, I done with that now... :: tightening imaginary tie :: The topic of rings in the...
  16. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Google fail, looking for a verse.

    Hmm...wellllll...that's just not the same as...
  17. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    "You Sank My Battleship!" (Favorite Childhood Toys and Games.)

    I had forgotten about Lincoln Logs. I found a picture that looks very similar to what I had. I thought the lid was blue, but I might be wrong. The actual bucket part was made of a hard cardboard. I had Legos too. I had quite a few Matchbox(and other types) of little die-cast cars. I also...
  18. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Share you technology conversion story here.

    I've nevaahhhh switched to the dark side! I started with a Apple Performa 6200CD in the mid 90's. A whopping 75mhz & a 1 gig hd! Now I'm on a iMac with a 2.4ghz processor. 1 TB HD(upgraded). It's old by current iMac standards! Didn't own it, but the first computer I remember using looked a...
  19. Test_F_i_2_Luv

    Question for you?

    What she said...