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  1. ChosenbyHim

    Jesus AND the Bible came into time as a SEED - by G. John Rov

    Dino, I do teach and believe in the Trinity. And I also believe and teach that Jesus and His word are One. That they are One in Unity. This is a deep subject, and yet it Is one of great importance. By studying the Scripture, we can see that it does affirm and verify this unique truth...
  2. ChosenbyHim

    A Body Hast Thou Prepared Me

    Greetings brethren, this is another video of brother G. John Rov's. I highly recommend that you also take time to watch and listen to this teaching. As it is very deep and also important. While the first video I shared of Brother Rov's was only a brief video clip under 4 minutes. However though...
  3. ChosenbyHim

    Jesus AND the Bible came into time as a SEED - by G. John Rov

    Jesus AND the Bible came into time as a SEED Video Description: Both Jesus and the Bible came as a seed into the world and grew over time to perfection. Both Jesus Christ and the Holy Scripture have ALWAYS been in existence. They BOTH are Eternal. Hence, they both have no beginning and no...
  4. ChosenbyHim

    Millions already chipped! RFID 666 Mark of the Beast Technology (AVOID IT!)

    Millions already chipped! RFID 666 Mark of the Beast Technology but not the official Mark of the Beast. Still though, this very technology should be avoided at all costs. Video Description: PLEASE WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO! You should NEVER receive a microchip implant, as this offers a pathway to...
  5. ChosenbyHim

    What is the Definition of Repentance? Response to Kent Hovind by brother Joshua Jocel

    This is a very good video response and answer to Kent Hovind on the issue of Repentance and how it is defined In this brief video teaching, brother Joshua shows how the word(s) (Repent/Repentance) are defined by God's infallible and holy word, the blessed King James Holy Bible. And concerning...
  6. ChosenbyHim


    SALVATION IN THE TIME OF JACOB'S TROUBLE (7 YEAR TRIBULATION): A look into what Salvation will be like in the Time of Jacob's trouble (Daniel's 70th week) But before we do that, In this post, I will first provide a Scriptural proof to further show why the Church (the Body of Christ) cannot be...
  7. ChosenbyHim

    Post 911 Kids: Generation Z - Facebook Raised & Twitter Trained

    Post 911 Kids: Generation Z - Facebook Raised & Twitter Trained Sermon message by brother Jason Cooley: Post 911 Kids: Generation Z - Facebook Raised & Twitter Trained |
  8. ChosenbyHim

    Israel is NOT the Church and the Church is NOT Israel.

    The Church is not Israel. Neither is Israel the Church. There is a fine line division between the two. It is important to be dispensational when your reading and studying the infallible word of the living God. Being dispensational will help to keep you from falling into heresy. And also will...
  9. ChosenbyHim

    Laodicean Prison Blues: - By Pastor James L. Melton

    Laodicean Prison Blues: - By Pastor James L. Melton
  10. ChosenbyHim

    Hollywood stars in Hell but not in Fundy Fantasy Land -George Michael -Carrie Fisher

    This may be a hard message for many and even most, but still, it is the Truth and that's what matters: Hollywood stars in Hell but not in Fundy Fantasy Land -George Michael -Carrie Fisher
  11. ChosenbyHim

    Response To Steven Anderson Orlando Mass Shooting Rant (BBF News Commentary) 6/14/201

    By Pastor Greg Miller of Bible Believers Fellowship In worthington Ohio Published on Jun 14, 2016 In response to a large number of requests to give a Biblical answer to the attention provided Steven "Media Whore" Anderson's latest publicity stunt...
  12. ChosenbyHim

    What Is The Age Of Accountability?

    What Is The Age Of Accountability? Published on Apr 1, 2016 Deuteronomy 1:39 Moreover your little ones, which ye said should be a prey, and your children, which in that day had no knowledge between good and evil, they shall go in thither, and unto...
  13. ChosenbyHim

    Muslims Establishing No Go Zones in America- by Dr. Scott Johnson

    Muslims Establishing No Go Zones in America
  14. ChosenbyHim

    A PreTrib Rapture DESTROYS Roman Catholic Doctrine!

    A PreTrib Rapture DESTROYS Roman Catholic Doctrine! Great Video!
  15. ChosenbyHim

    Moral Music- by Brother James Melton

    MORAL MUSIC Written By Brother James L. Melton Certain sounds are pleasing to God, even when no words are present. The Scriptures confirm this quite well: “The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come . . .” (Song 2:12) “. . . the mountains and the hills shall...
  16. ChosenbyHim


    THE "UNSAVED COMPOSERS" ARGUMENT Written by brother James L. Melton Christians who like classical music are sometimes criticized for listening to music composed by unsaved men. In addition to overlooking the fact that some of the composers were Christians, the critic also overlooks the fact...
  17. ChosenbyHim

    Steven Anderson Is NOT Leading The KJV Only Movement!!!

    Steven Anderson Is NOT Leading The KJV Only Movement!!!
  18. ChosenbyHim

    Kirk Cameron, Ken Ham, And Disneyland Home Schooling?

    Watch out for Kurt Cameron and Ken Ham: Kirk Cameron, Ken Ham, And Disneyland Home Schooling? Published on May 31, 2015 Yes, these two men really spoke at a Disneyland home school conference!
  19. ChosenbyHim

    'What About Deborah?' and Other Silly Excuses Women Use to Usurp Authority

    'What About Deborah?' and Other Silly Excuses Women Use to Usurp Authority 'What About Deborah?' and Other Silly Excuses Women Use to Usurp Authority |