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  1. ChosenbyHim

    A Body Hast Thou Prepared Me 3

    Sipsey, whether you watch the video or not, is up to you. But don't attempt to answer a matter before you hear it. Otherwise, you are violating Proverbs 18:13.
  2. ChosenbyHim

    A Body Hast Thou Prepared Me 3

    Absolutely Wattie, you are welcome. The Bible version issue goes very deep. And when one begins to study more into the underlying manuscripts that the King James Bible is based upon and then compare it with the manuscripts which the modern versions are based on, then can one begin to see why...
  3. ChosenbyHim

    Jesus AND the Bible came into time as a SEED - by G. John Rov

    Dino, you simply are not able to refute what I stated in the O.P. of this thread. If you had Scripture that refuted what was stated in the O.P. I am very sure you would have posted it by now.
  4. ChosenbyHim

    The Lord Jesus and the Holy Scripture (Hebrews 4:12-13)

    The Lord Jesus and the Holy Scripture (Hebrews 4:12-13) Video Description: In this video, Brother Jerry Wells reads from Hebrews 4:12-13, and he expounds on the very nature of Jesus Christ and also the word of God (the Holy Scripture). As we continue to look into this unique subject and one...
  5. ChosenbyHim

    A Body Hast Thou Prepared Me 3

    Wattie, while there are certainly a number of groups that profess to be KJV Only, yet there are some variations and slight differences in some points of doctrine, from where I stand in my belief, this is my answer to your question: I believe that the set of manuscripts which the King James...
  6. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    Another episode from Above God's Name. Man, The Cross and The KJV. Author G. Jon Rov, of the book "Concealed From Christians for the Glory of God, The 1611 KJV" and Christian Rap Artist and Pastor of Prophecy Christian Ministries, The Prophet X, bring another exciting and revelation packed...
  7. ChosenbyHim

    Jesus AND the Bible came into time as a SEED - by G. John Rov

    Now let’s look at Scripture which teach that the word of God (Holy Scripture) came into time as a seed and that grew and increased unto perfection: Isaiah 59:20-21 King James Bible And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the LORD. {21} As...
  8. ChosenbyHim

    Jesus AND the Bible came into time as a SEED - by G. John Rov

    It is not unbiblical at all, CS1. I will provide the Scripture that affirms that they both came into time: Luke 2:8-14 King James Bible And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. {9} And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them...
  9. ChosenbyHim

    A Body Hast Thou Prepared Me 3

    Dino, I can already tell that you have a very low view of Scripture. You do not tremble at the words of God. You ougt to be ashamed of yourself. I suspect that you do not believe that there is any Perfect Bible on this Earth anywhere. Hence, you really have no final authority after all. You...
  10. ChosenbyHim

    Jesus AND the Bible came into time as a SEED - by G. John Rov

    Jesus is One with the Holy Scripture and that has already been proven by what I have shown from the Scripture in this thread. You can deny the Scriptures and the evidence all you want, Dino. But you have no Scripture which refutes what I stated in this thread. If you think I am wrong about my...
  11. ChosenbyHim

    Jesus AND the Bible came into time as a SEED - by G. John Rov

    Dino, John 17:17 is not a metaphor. It is a statement of fact and truth which proceeded from the lips of our Saviour and Lord. Jesus said “Thy word (Father’s word) is Truth.” No metaphor being used there. Likewise, John 6:63 and Phil. 2:16 also are not metaphors. Jesus said His words are spirit...
  12. ChosenbyHim

    Jesus AND the Bible came into time as a SEED - by G. John Rov

    CS1, What part of the post is unbiblical? Yes, Jesus the Word of God Is Perfect. Amen. And so is His words: the Holy Scripture (word of God). What is unbiblical?? Are you saying the Trinity is unbiblical?
  13. ChosenbyHim

    A Body Hast Thou Prepared Me 3

    No Dino, statement does not stand at all because you speak with no Authority. Let me ask you a question, Dino. Do you belive that the Holy Bible is the inerrant and infallible word of God? And if you do, which Bible is it?
  14. ChosenbyHim

    Jesus AND the Bible came into time as a SEED - by G. John Rov

    Watchman, Moses was the one who the Holy Ghost moved to write down the book of Genesis. And there is a lot of biblical evidence that Moses wrote Genesis and the other books of the Pentateuch during the time he spent in the wilderness with the children of Israel, after they had escaped from...
  15. ChosenbyHim

    A Body Hast Thou Prepared Me 3

    Dino, it is the truth. Brother Jon does a great work in showing God's handiwork and blessing upon the greatest Book ever, the Authorized King James Holy Bible. Dino, you just do not have the spiritual eyes to behold the marvelous truths regarding God's finished Bible. How sad.
  16. ChosenbyHim

    A Body Hast Thou Prepared Me 3

    A Body Hast Thou Prepared Me 3 Video Description: A Body Thou Hast Prepared Me 3. Author G. Jon Rov, of the book "Concealed From Christians for the Glory of God, The 1611 KJV" and Christian Rap Artist and Pastor of Prophecy Christian Ministries, The Prophet X, bring another exciting and...
  17. ChosenbyHim

    A Body Hast Thou Prepared Me

    Yes, God does reveal Himself through His word. Which is why the Scripture testifies of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ also testifies of the Holy Scripture. Matt, why don't you take the time to actually watch the entire video and then give me your input once you watch it. We understand that that...
  18. ChosenbyHim

    Jesus AND the Bible came into time as a SEED - by G. John Rov

    Nehemiah, I do understand that Jesus Christ the Word has no beginning and end. What I was referring to is Jesus' humanity. As a human and man, Jesus had a beginning (day he was born) and an end (day of his Death on the Cross of Calvary), and we understand that his end was only temporary and not...
  19. ChosenbyHim

    Jesus AND the Bible came into time as a SEED - by G. John Rov

    Indeed, brother. You stated correctly. In this verse, Paul personifies the Holy Scripture. When something is equated to God, that is a very serious matter. And yet the way that Paul does it in Romans 9:17, it is like he simply reveals this unique truth with no element of surprise. I also believe...
  20. ChosenbyHim

    Jesus AND the Bible came into time as a SEED - by G. John Rov

    Matt, as I showed in my last response, the very attributes which Jesus Christ has, are also the very same attributes which are ascribed unto the Holy Bible. In other words, since Jesus and the Bible are One. Therefore that which is true of Jesus must also be true of the Bible, since they are...