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  1. Skyline

    Not By Works

    Also my understanding is you get rewards for works, not salvation which is by faith, through faith. Maybe you’ll nicer things, although a encouraging word from the Lord itself it will be enough IMO (@ judgment seat of Christ)
  2. Skyline

    Not By Works

    I don’t get that thinking at all. Jesus is God, the bible is the word of God. That includes what is written through Paul by God. It’s like only reading the red font in the bible and putting everything else second... o_O Don’t Muslims say the same thing about Paul?
  3. Skyline

    Was Adam and Eve a newer creation than genesis 1?

    Could “cave man” have been the offspring from Genesis 6? Wiped away by the flood.
  4. Skyline

    Was Adam and Eve a newer creation than genesis 1?

    Re-read Genesis 6... definitely fallen angels. That is disturbing... Then again much in Genesis is (e.g. Lot and his daughters)
  5. Skyline

    Was Adam and Eve a newer creation than genesis 1?

    Maybe I’m not following (I’m new) but Adam died at 930 years of age. A man can have LOTS of kids by then. The gene pool was pure then for the kids to marry. When I read this, I see his wife being related. All mankind came from Adam and Eve. “Cain made love to his wife, and she became pregnant...
  6. Skyline

    Was Adam and Eve a newer creation than genesis 1?

    Yeah the way I read it he created Adam and Eve in Chapter 1, then Chapter 2 goes into more detail. “Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬
  7. Skyline

    What about those who cannot believe in God?

    Can someone define a “Evangelical” please. The various groups still confuse me... Looking online I don’t see anything wrong with these 4 core statements. Wouldn’t even Spurgeon match all 4 of these? “The NAE/LifeWay Research method includes four statements to which respondents must strongly...
  8. Skyline

    What would cause you to leave church to go to a different one?

    We are looking for a church and have been attending one for a few weeks. I don’t want to give up too soon and start a new search... there are many good things but Worship is broken up twice for announcements, etc. Weird start/stop design. ~5 songs on shuffle, “another in the fire” every sunday...
  9. Skyline

    My response to nwl regarding Hebrews 1:1,2 and other issues.

    Alright *high five* Grew up in a Christian family (parents are solid), protestant, attended non-denominational church (to be honest the variations still confuse me...). Got “saved” young, was on fire but cooled. Had health scare, kicked my vices, then came back ~2 months ago. (y) Spouse and I...
  10. Skyline

    My response to nwl regarding Hebrews 1:1,2 and other issues.

    Maybe I’m not following but reading Genesis I see Jesus himself walking and talking... He is the one who breathed life into Adam, made coverings for them, etc. I don’t know how God the Father could walk and make noise. Am I missing something?
  11. Skyline

    My response to nwl regarding Hebrews 1:1,2 and other issues.

    Funny, I was reading something of Spurgeon on this, this exact morning! and it opened my mind. I had read this verse before but it did not click :D (I’m new!) “Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the...
  12. Skyline

    The narrow road

    I was dealing with this very much recently since I’m a new Christian. The various cliques don’t help too - esp. those that push fear “you must abandon everything, everyone instantly otherwise you’re doooomed...” I would recommend studying through Romans, esp. chapters 5-8, and 12 Chapter 12...
  13. Skyline

    Speak Your Mind. 7.5 billion people, 2.3b identified Christians = 31% If you less 1.3b Roman Catholics = 1.0b / 7.5b = 13% Very narrow road indeed, even without all the in-house fighting...
  14. Skyline

    Not By Works

    I’m new but Romans 1:16-17, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:16, and Romans 1-3 reaffirms for me. By a faith from first to last, or faith to faith. By faith, through faith, in Jesus Christ alone we are justified. For this I am grateful!, and seek to please Him but any works from me do nothing for my...
  15. Skyline

    is bible the word of God

    They are taught not to question. Blind being led by the blind.
  16. Skyline


    I think I figured this out, please disregard :) Read verses following (context!) The chief priests, the scribes, and the elders were not sincere seekers of truth but appeared as such. Not about the bearing of fruit but the false appearance of having fruit. False, self promoted righteousness
  17. Skyline


    Thank you all for these posts! As a “new” Christian these provide encouragement. I recently read Chan’s book and it warped my thinking at times, into fear/works based which I’m still battling with (please keep me in your prayers!). The thought will come as I’m reading scripture (e.g. reading...
  18. Skyline

    Mystery Babylon

    Question - does the man do this willingly? Or is he forced?
  19. Skyline

    is bible the word of God

    I had, in post #257
  20. Skyline

    is bible the word of God

    It says he tried multiple times here Sahih (authentic) Hadith (traditions) of Bukhari, [2], Volume 9, number 111