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  1. Skyline

    Eternal torment VS Annihilation

    I read Mark 9:42-48 and see a) the fire never goes out however this does not say anything about people being in it forever, b) fire burns things up into ash, c) worms eat corpses not those living Scripture elsewhere could support annihilation, all words in the bible are of God. Again, I’m not...
  2. Skyline

    Eternal torment VS Annihilation

    What does everyone think of this article? Biblical and Supporting articles for Annihilation Again, I’m undecided but am leaning. Plus I can see the argument that only God is immortal and he bestows this on those saved. How could those in hell be eternally alive then? “which God will bring...
  3. Skyline

    Eternal torment VS Annihilation

    Are we able to link to articles? I read a very well argued in favor of annihilation. Tons of scripture used in support. Or could I post it? I am undecided at this point based on scripture I have read. Putting aside what is the cultural interpretation of Hell too. Personally I think annihilation...
  4. Skyline

    100% Election 100% of the time.

    It says “The requested page could not be found.” - is the page locked?
  5. Skyline

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Based on what I read in Waggles post I think you’re being too harsh. Romans 12 shows Waggles worships Him in view of God’s mercy - based on that post I read. How is fighting not to sin a meritorious work that replaces His finished work? A person can’t not sin (even a doubt is a sin) This would...
  6. Skyline

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer [offer does not mean required] your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your...
  7. Skyline

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    What do you guys say about these verses if you lost it? Does the Holy Spirt come upon belief then leave? Then come back? Ephesians 1:13-14 John 10:28-2 Philippians 1:6 and 3:12 Jude 24-25 Thank you
  8. Skyline

    100% Election 100% of the time.

    Come on :ROFL: Mine are all based in the same bible. I’m working on adding scripture links to my sig. What are your beliefs? I’m not asking for a label, what do you believe because I am trying to see your POV
  9. Skyline

    100% Election 100% of the time.

    @posthuman and @cv5 what is your statement of belief? Please point me to a prior post if you've given it. It's kind of hard to confidently determine what you believe. Are you Calvinists? If so all TULIP? Arminians? Neither? I've working on adding mine to my signature. Thank you
  10. Skyline

    Please pray for me, under enemy attack

    THANK YOU everyone for your prayers! I have survived thanks to God and my perseverance in my faith is stronger!
  11. Skyline

    100% Election 100% of the time.

    I’ve argued my viewpoint - all are free to be saved if they believe. We’ll find out which is right eventually.
  12. Skyline

    100% Election 100% of the time.

    Of course not; My prayer statement reflects prayers for coworkers and kids
  13. Skyline

    100% Election 100% of the time.

    For His guidance, for Him to use me to spread the Gospel more effectively, for His word to resonate more to them. None of these enforce on their free-will. Why do you pray? Everything is already set per your viewpoint. Doesn’t matter if you pray for your kids or grandkids if they’re “reprobate”...
  14. Skyline

    100% Election 100% of the time.

    I’m not going to be convinced to follow Calvin and his 500 year old interpretations. Just like you won’t be convinced to not follow them. Agree to disagree God bless you
  15. Skyline

    100% Election 100% of the time.

    I still love you you Calvinist :love: even though it pains me you paint our God in such a disrespectful manner
  16. Skyline

    100% Election 100% of the time.

    Where does it say man is hardened at birth? It does not. We are warned to not hardened our hearts. Those dead can hear.
  17. Skyline

    100% Election 100% of the time.

    Not true. Scripture says otherwise Where does it say man is born hardened?? To not hear? It doesn’t.
  18. Skyline

    100% Election 100% of the time.

    I’m reading it right. You’re reading it wrong. Mine flows with with the entire book of Romans, the Old Testament promise, and the description of the nature/characteristics of God throughout the bible. God picks what the promise is and to what people [Jews and Gentiles, not just the physical...
  19. Skyline

    100% Election 100% of the time.

    I think I understand what you’re saying. Please rephrase it if I misunderstand. Wouldn’t John 3:16 show the great mystery in Him offering us a way to be saved? He so loved the world... he loves us:love: but as Romans CH 1-3 shows he has to be just. He cannot go against himself (his...
  20. Skyline

    100% Election 100% of the time.

    Sorry, could you please rephrase it? Thanks! Wish we had a high five emoji!