Search results

  1. Bleed

    Did Jesus ever....

    laugh or smile? i think of him as completely serious all the time.
  2. Bleed

    Name something sad

    i'ved noticed i get more upset in movies if an animal (pet) dies over a human that dies. i wonder why that is....
  3. Bleed

    What Are You Thankful For?

  4. Bleed

    Is the end near?

    it's not.
  5. Bleed

    We need Your Help Lord

    thank you for that. great read!
  6. Bleed

    Why are Christians such phonies?

    i'm a non-churchgoer Christian. it works out for me. just reading and even taking walks fills me with the Spirit. would you ever feel comfortable trying that?
  7. Bleed

    my fascination...

    i read about that after i posted. very interesting.
  8. Bleed

    my fascination...

    i have a fascination with skulls. i wonder if it's not very Christian of me. i have clothes with skulls on them, a skull snow globe, skull ashtray, and other skull decorations. it's like every day is Halloween in my house. should i be worried as a 45 year old?
  9. Bleed

    whose your favourite bible character?

    Jezebel was a real character.
  10. Bleed

    I just learned about the Bethel was really shocking 😕

    maybe raised from spiritual death?
  11. Bleed

    Annual "Christmas is PAGAN!!!" thread

    the best part for me is visits from friends and family.
  12. Bleed

    How has your CC experience been?

    it's like therapy for me. ;)
  13. Bleed

    Any fellow gamers here?

    Cyberpunk 2077 looks interesting. i might give that a try.
  14. Bleed

    Holy Water

    it's water that's been blessed by a religious figure.
  15. Bleed

    Holy Water

    isn't it used for baptism?
  16. Bleed

    Holy Water

    would Holy Water lose it's "Holiness" if shipped in the mail?
  17. Bleed

    Your opinions on mental/physical disabilities

    you must have a strong spirit. personally, i wouldn't even try going off my meds.
  18. Bleed

    Which holiday do you like more?

    i voted Halloween. i live near Salem, MA and often go there for it. always a blast to see all the sights.:devilish: