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  1. Bleed

    The 10 commandments

    i think i read that even the thought of adultery is considered the act.
  2. Bleed

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    the book says men will have visions.
  3. Bleed

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    my point is is that it's The Holy Spirit's work, not anything to do with Satan.
  4. Bleed

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    sounds almost like Wicca.
  5. Bleed

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    yes.... i would think Satan had bigger things at hand over giving some pleb visions.
  6. Bleed

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    i don't know what that is.
  7. Bleed

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    the visions alone are humbling. they remind me of his creation, and that i'm just a small part in his Magnificent scheme of things! they remind me that anything is possible through him. my life has change as not to expect, but to cherish these signs from him. i feel honored to be around the...
  8. Bleed

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    i can confirm through my faith. an example is once i was walking down an upper path at the beach, a pinecone fell in front of me glowing brilliantly like the sun. the feeling i got from witnessing this was unearthly. i know 100% it was a vision from The Holy Spirit. i've had other visions, some...
  9. Bleed

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    through visions and audio conversations.
  10. Bleed

    The Essence of Easter 2021 Poll

    i could be a clone!
  11. Bleed

    If Jesus Came to Your Front Door, What Would He See if He Came Inside?

    i'd ask him if he wanted to walk downtown and get coffee. the house i live in looks like a house from that show Hoarders. i'm sure he would understand why i wouldn't want him inside.
  12. Bleed

    Emergency Pantry/Fridge Foods

    so.... i mentioned cigarettes. i haven't had one in a month! and they say "quitters never win".....
  13. Bleed

    How to avoid being self-righteous? (Romans 2:21)

    damn Pride... get's me every time!!!
  14. Bleed

    Emergency Pantry/Fridge Foods

    haha! i guess i would if i had no lighter.
  15. Bleed

    Emergency Pantry/Fridge Foods

    cigarettes coffee rice water
  16. Bleed

    Should christians be the worlds most polite people ever?

    yes.... i think how one was raised takes a big role in how you interact with other people.
  17. Bleed

    For Bird Watchers and those who Admire these wonderful creatures

    i love seeing crows and ravens. i live in the NE USA.