Search results

  1. Bleed

    when you pray...

    so no "Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit" for you Lynx?
  2. Bleed

    Hey fellow chatroom chatters

    can you use chat app on PC, or is it cell phone only?
  3. Bleed

    Are you scared of going to hell?

    Heaven for me!
  4. Bleed

    when you pray...

    do you pray to "God" or "Jesus"? i find myself often switching from the two.
  5. Bleed

    Something to think about in fellowship

    yes.... keyboard warriors
  6. Bleed

    my friends that killed themselves...

    thank you folks for all the great and insightful answers!
  7. Bleed

    be sure to pray!

    i sometimes feel Greed when i ask for something. is that wrong?
  8. Bleed

    my friends that killed themselves...

    are they in Hades forever now? from what i've read, they are all done.
  9. Bleed

    If the Earth were flat---

    i always feel like i'm on a boat, not a planet.
  10. Bleed

    poll who thinks smoking cigarettes is a temptation of the devil ?

    i quit a few months ago. feel better now physically and spiritually. it does harm God's Temple.
  11. Bleed

    “Our kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven”

    i always thought Satan was in charge of this earthly world.....
  12. Bleed


    ain't that the truth....
  13. Bleed

    Crosses, any rules regarding it?

    i've since removed the pirate flag on the wall. was feeling a bit too old to keep it there. should start acting my age more. :rolleyes:
  14. Bleed

    Crosses, any rules regarding it?

    ever play Sim City?
  15. Bleed

    Crosses, any rules regarding it?

    i have a gold plated cross hanging on my wall next to a pirate flag. i feel comfortable with it.
  16. Bleed

    Warning against eating meat

    i eat fish and eggs... would that be acceptable?
  17. Bleed


    yes.. i like to say "hello" to people i don't know during the day.
  18. Bleed

    What's your favorite book of the Bible? :)

    The Book of Job. i enjoy reading of the relationship between God and Satan.
  19. Bleed

    Hello from Scotland!

    welcome to a bigger world!
  20. Bleed

    The 10 commandments

    thank you Live4Him :)