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    Is God outside of time?

    I did a word-study of the word "day" in the Bible not too long ago. I noticed that when the word "day" is used with humans, it almost invariably refers to the 24-hour day. However, when God is involved, the length of "day" has a much-longer meaning, for what it's worth. I don't think that the...
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    What did St Paul think of women?

    One very good method of interpretation, especially of Paul, is to find the principle in a passage, in this case, verse 3 of 1 Corinthians 3, and to recognize his cultural application of that principle to his culture, wearing head-coverings. Take the principle, don't throw it out, and apply it to...
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    What did St Paul think of women?

    However, the whole context in Galatians is talking about our relationship with Christ, not with each other at all.
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    What did St Paul think of women?

    On what biblical basis can you possibly make this conclusion, fellow Christian?
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    What did St Paul think of women?

    Again, what does your comment have to do with Paul's opinion of women?
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    What did St Paul think of women?

    Fellow Christian, what do your comments have to do with Paul's opinion about women, which is this post's subject?
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    Bible relevations 12: woman clothed with sun

    You do realize that the Book of Revelation is highly-symbolic. One clue to the symbolism in that chapter is that the dragon is explained as the devil. Therefore, the woman is also symbolic; I believe that she is, therefore, the Old Testament people of God, who "gave birth" to the Messiah, Jesus.
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    Will There Be A Rapture?

    The only "rapture" I see in the Bible is in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, where Jesus comes down from heaven with the souls of believers who have died. We who are still alive will rise to meet him and them in the air, while he raises all of us to give us our eternal bodies. The Final Judgment will...
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    Does It Really Matter If You Believe In The Devil?

    No, ultimately, it doesn't matter whether the devil or your sinful nature put your thought there. It does matter whether or not the thought agrees with the Bible's teachings or not. That's where Buddhism and the Bible part ways.
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    What did St Paul think of women?

    The Bible (and Paul) reflects God's teachings, which are between two cultural extremes, the male dominance of the past and the equalitarianism of the present. To interpret Paul's writings, we have to go back to Genesis 1, where God made humans male and female, implying equality of status before...
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    Proof That Catholics Worship Mary

    You have demonstrated the big problem I have with their beliefs. They have put Pope-approved tradition alongside the Bible, an unbiblical traditionalism.
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    Managing worry

    I agree with you to a point. When I was at the end of my major depression, God used the wonderful people at Pine Rest Christian Mental Health (Hospital) in Grand Rapids, Michigan, to get me in touch with the great anger and anxiety in my unconscious mind. He also used the Bible's many passages...
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    Empaths and Christianity

    God calls all Christians to be empathetic. Look at Romans 12:15, "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." Perhaps, some people have a special gift of empathy, but true Christians would never brag about their gifts, because God gives his gifts freely.
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    cracks in our Faith

    First, the Living Bible is a paraphrase, not a translation, of the Bible. Second, the paraphraser's use of the word "sinless" is not correct. Translations of that verse use the word "blameless," a much-better version of the word, which refers to the blamelessness of Noah and Job as similar to...
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    John 16:32-33 Amplified Bible

    On the other hand, when Jesus quotes Psalm 22:1, the context of the Psalm is that David's enemies are surrounding him, and he cries out for God's help. Jesus experiences a similar situation and laments in struggle with the same temptation to dispair. The resolution to his struggle is his words...
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    Matthew 7:1-5 Jesus Tells Us Not To Judge

    In this context, it means "to condemn," that is, to consider yourself better than others, and, therefore, able to take God's place as their judge. We are forbidden to judge that way, but we are also called to discern sins to then avoid doing them, while loving the sinner.
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    What is the point in being a prophet?

    I hope that you have read my other response to you. I was a pastor for 27 years preaching and teaching God's Word as a prophet challenging complacent churches to grow spiritually and numerically. I did have one vision; I don't remember dreams, but this vision I remember vividly more than 20...
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    What is the point in being a prophet?

    I have two questions: How do you know that God has called you to be a prophet? Do you know that the prophets didn't just tell the future but also were the preachers of God's Word in their day? If you didn't know the latter info about prophets, my suggestion is that you get solid biblical and...
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    Matt 18:9 Was Jesus being literal with this statement?

    He definitely wasn't being literal, because the Bible, which he inspired, says that our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16,17). Since we must take care of our bodies, what could he have meant? I think that he is showing very dramatically and clearly the problem of sinful...
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    Should Church attire be criticized?

    In my last church in South Dakota (cowboy country), a month or so after my wife and I arrived there, I looked around the small, country-church congregation. I saw how the men were dressed, informally, to say the least. Suddenly, I felt very uncomfortable in my suit and tie. When the leadership...