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    Why do you put such an emphasis on what the saints said? Do you claim that they always were perfect in what they said? The Bible is the only book that has that distinction, I believe, not the saints' writings.
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    The Bible's theme in a nutshell?

    To call an interpretation of the Bible "totally false" needs to have biblical support. Do you have any? By the way, the idea of the soul flitting away from our corrupt bodies, never to return to them is Greek in origin, not biblical. Our bodies will be resurrected and perfected.
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    The Bible's theme in a nutshell?

    Why, then, does Jesus give John the vision of the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven to the new earth (Revelation 21 and 22)?
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    Our Enemies As Christians

    Those Psalms are called imprecatory Psalms, in which David seems to be standing before the Judge of the universe pleading his case before his and our Judge, God. However, you must understand that David never took personal revenge against his enemies, though Abigail, who later became his wife...
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    Ananias of Damascus

    I know as much as the Bible says about Ananias, and that's enough for me.
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    Justification from everlasting !

    If you've ever been in a courtroom for a trial, the judge pronounces the defendant either "guilty" or "not-guilty." To pronounce them "not-guilty" is to give the defendant justification. We're all guilty before our heavenly Judge (Romans 1:1--3:20) until Jesus' death takes our guilty verdict on...
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    Can a Saved Person

    Of course, saved people sin. We are forgiven, that is, with God's acceptance, but we always need to pray for God's power through Jesus' resurrection to make spiritual progress in overcoming sin and becoming more like him. Read Colossians 3, where Paul makes that very point.
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    Struggling with interpreting love in the Bible

    I suggest that you look up with a good concordance or Bible dictionary the word "love" in all the passages where it is found in the Bible. Read those verses in the contexts in which you find them. That's called a word study. The word "love" in the New Testament translates the Greek word...
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    Does It Really Matter If You Believe In The Devil?

    One very good method of interpreting the Bible is to assume what it assumes. For example, the Bible uses male pronouns for God, so I do too. The Bible assumes that God created the universe and humans, so I do too. And the Bible assumes that the devil is a real, evil, fallen angel, so I do too...
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    The Heavenly Father is not God

    Why do you depend on a secular encyclopedia for the meanings of words, when God himself defines his words that he has inspired with their uses in different passages?
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    The Heavenly Father is not God

    First, we speak English, not Hebrew. Second, why do you get so worked-up about such an minor idea? Third, words' meanings are what the writer or speaker mean them to say in the specific context in which they are used. Why use Hebrew words instead of English words?
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    Do those condemned to hell suffer forever?

    According to Paul in Ephesians 2:1-3, we are all born either actively or passively in rebellion against God, that is, dead to him, and worthy of eternal punishment. Only through faith and trust in Jesus Christ can we come alive (Ephesians 2:4-9) by grace through faith in order to do good works...
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    Do those condemned to hell suffer forever?

    Read the whole Gospel of Matthew and the many times Jesus says that people in hell are in "outer darkness" and live forever while weeping and gnashing their teeth. It is the forever-nature of God's just justice for their lifelong rebellion against him. There but by God's grace go I.
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    Do we know how Yeshua lived his life?

    Following Jesus' example is impossible on our own strength. That's what it sounds like you're trying to do. That's the theologically-liberal way of approaching the Bible that I experienced in the church, while I was growing up. We need to balance Jesus' life, teachings, death, and resurrection...
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    Matthew 7:1-5 Jesus Tells Us Not To Judge

    Read Jesus' own explanation in the parallel passage, Luke 6:37, “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven." Judging means condemning; discerning means to determine what is sin in order to avoid it in our own lives...
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    Settling the Elect and Predestination Question

    I would like to know what your interpretations are of Ephesians 1 and Romans 8, both of which you seem to avoid. I quote two verses of Romans 8: Rom 8:29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many...
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    Holy Days

    Why do you want to celebrate All-Saints' Day? I prefer to celebrate days that focus on God, not people.
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    Holy Days

    I once attended a cult that celebrated the Old Testament Holy Days. However, at Christian college I discovered that the external forms of the laws have been replaced. Why? Because they were the national forms for the Old Testament people, whereas the internal principles continue for New...
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    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    I can't even imagine my old body attached to a parachute at my age (almost 82). You have to measure the risk of such sports in contrast to the Bible's emphasis on taking care of God's temple (our bodies). And persist in prayer to God for his guidance. If he doesn't want you to do those risky...
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    Future President Harris: Executor-In-Chief??

    I don't think that we will ever be a Christian theocracy. We may edge ever so closely to a socialism with government control by the "fourth arm" of the government, the bureaucracy. We need to reach bottom in our addictions to "self" before we wake up to repent and turn to God in true faith...