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  1. B

    Not By Works

    I do not say that command/law keeping saves. I say that you will do good works that God has before ordained that you should walk in them. Do you believe this?
  2. B

    Not By Works

    So you believe our spirits are alive at our natural birth. That is good. The spirit cannot be 'born-again', unless it was born once. Right?
  3. B

    Not By Works

    So what about any version of the bible that is not an original. Is there anything added or subtracted, either by mistake or by willingness to change? It is difficult to answer, since we have no originals. Tell me the best bible you think exists?
  4. B

    Not By Works

    How many on the forum believe our spirits are not alive at our natual birth?
  5. B

    Not By Works

    The Father, he is God, but he is not the Son or the Holy Spirit. The Son, he is God, but he is not God the Father or the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, he is God, but he is not God the Father or the Son They are 1. Answer my question: Why did Jesus ask the man, "why calleth thou me good"?
  6. B

    Not By Works

    Wow, so you are saying the KJV of the bible is teaching false doctrine. That is interesting, that you feel like God-breathed writings have been fudged so much as to now teach false doctrine. Could it be the other way around. That all the rest of the versions were mad that the KJV had to wreck...
  7. B

    Not By Works

    You hit the nail on the head: Romans 8 King James Version (KJV) 8 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Most OSAS people stop at Christ Jesus, and do not include, "who walk not after the flesh, but after the...
  8. B

    Not By Works

    Our spirit is born again, but not our flesh? Would you explain that to me, Thank you.
  9. B

    Not By Works

    Do you believe in 3 Persons in 1 God? Do you believe those 3 Persons are distinct from each other?
  10. B

    Not By Works

    Dont be taken in by the words "if i do a little extra work for the God",. that was not my point. My point is according to you I am saved. Then I said this, and I will turn it around so you don't miss anything. "What is it do you, if I do some extra work for God?" IOW, if I am saved why...
  11. B

    Not By Works

    So if you are not called, are you automatically damned to hell for all eternity?
  12. B

    Not By Works

    As I remember, I was responding to a claim that you can only be saved if God calls you and gives you faith. Only then can you be saved and have EL. So that then makes me think of all the people that aren't Christians? Is God calling only those that He wishes to call, and the rest that He...
  13. B

    Not By Works

    Then I am saved, because I believe on the Son. If I do a little extra works for the glory of God, what is that to anybody?
  14. B

    Not By Works

    So again, if God does not call us, then he automatically damns us to hell fire for eternity. We have no choice. Does not sound like a fair plan to me.
  15. B

    Not By Works

    The good works that I talk about are not a bunch of works to puff up the flesh. Yuk! They are works that God before ordained me to do, that I should walk in them. I enjoy being engaged in the work of the Lord. Not that it will gain me salvation, but that is what the Lord wants me to do, so...
  16. B

    Not By Works

    There are 3 Persons in the Trinity. God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. So although Jesus is God, he is not God the Father, and that is who Jesus was referring to as the only one that was good. So his reply to this man is a little confusing. If Jesus was referring to himself...
  17. B

    Not By Works

    Verse 29 says: 29 If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him. So again, there is the sign that you are born-again. Righteousness. You can spot them a mile away.
  18. B

    Not By Works

    Where is it that the east meets the west? We are at that place. Not that far apart.
  19. B

    Not By Works

    Luke 18:19 King James Version (KJV) 19 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God. So Jesus declares that there is none that is good, even himself (Why callest thou me good?) None is good, save one, that is God, (Jesus's Father). Now is Jesus not...
  20. B

    Not By Works

    Pefect scriptures TT, thanks. Let us rejoice in the Lord, that is one of many things we can agree on. That is what connects Christians to Christians, even though our beliefs about Jesus are different, we all know that although we have not seen him, we love him, and even though we do not see...