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  1. S

    What must I do to be saved

    No. Shame on the man, or men, who have brought you to this kind of behavior.
  2. S

    What must I do to be saved

    This is always the next parry - to demand that a man who preaches what Jesus and Paul taught has to sit in judgement of all other men and must clearly state who is saved and who is not. The thrust is always to get the man to harm his own self by judging instead of letting God judge.
  3. S

    What must I do to be saved

    I'd rather play a silly game than scream and shriek at a man for preaching what Jesus and Paul taught.
  4. S

    What must I do to be saved

    Really? Because I think the disconnect is coming from you twisting this mans words to imply he said things he did not. And I think the disconnect is coming from you trying to get others to agree with your false understanding of what he said.
  5. S

    What must I do to be saved

    I mean, otherwise, you paint yourself into an awful corner where you insist that to trust God will not lead to greater trust and will not lead to growth in virtue. You paint yourself into a corner where you are insisting a man trusts God, yet while trusting Him, somehow he does not become more...
  6. S

    What must I do to be saved

    Or would you say instead that a man is saved even if he doesn't love God and doesn't keep His commands?
  7. S

    What must I do to be saved

    So, did the man say something awful? Or did he just say what scripture...says?
  8. S

    What must I do to be saved

    So then: In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, 2 John 1:6. And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love. If you love me, keep my commandments.
  9. S

    What must I do to be saved

    This is the one that got every ones knickers all balled up, right?
  10. S

    What must I do to be saved

    Now you are just being ridiculous. He did not say ones walk saves or unsaves someone. He plainly said he himself has known (since meeting God) BOTH abiding in Him AND walking in his own strength, as have ALL men who are being led of God have known, done and experienced. And that is what he said...
  11. S

    What must I do to be saved

    You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. 2 I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard? 3 Are you so foolish? After beginning by means...
  12. S

    What must I do to be saved

    You STILL have not backed up your statement that that man said: 1 sin=unsaved. You should show the post you say he said it in or be a man and apologize for putting words in his mouth.
  13. S

    What must I do to be saved

    I disagree. Weak faith and no faith do not have the same result. God grows weak faith. (One may plant and another may water, but it is God who causes the growth). But no faith at all? Then there IS nothing to grow... I also disagree that believing 90% of what Jesus taught is like not believing...
  14. S

    What must I do to be saved

    There is only one way believers will do that. If they leave trusting (abiding) and begin to try to finish in a different way than they began, which was trust. But it is difficult for men to rest and remain resting.
  15. S

    What must I do to be saved

    Keep standing firm in what ? Keep standing firm in...TRUST (FAITH)!
  16. S

    Not By Works

    It most certainly does say that. If someone trusts and remains in that trust (abides), and grows in that trust, this is the only thing necessary. From start to finish it is all through trust. Saints don't become saints in any other way. There IS no growth in virtue except through trust. All the...
  17. S

    What must I do to be saved

    They had received the Holy Spirit. Or else paul would not have said: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard? 3 Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh?[a] 4 Have you experienced[b]...
  18. S

    What must I do to be saved

    I have read every single post in this thread and I then read them again and I STILL have not seen you show me where the man has said: 1 sin=unsaved (which is what you say he said.) I think if you accuse a man of saying something, you should be able to back it up. AND, I think a man deserves...
  19. S

    What must I do to be saved

    so then...we will continue to sin and this will be every day of our lives, but we don't do it deliberately. We do it, but not deliberately. But those who haven't met God do it deliberately. Is that correct? Maybe I need to know what you mean when you say deliberately...
  20. S

    What must I do to be saved

    You have to help me here. What words did I say you said that you didn't say...? What false beliefs did I impute to you? I'm confused. It's apparent you feel I was lying about you in some way but you'll have to point out where to me because I am honestly not aware of having misspoken about you...