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  1. S

    Can Satan speak to us audibly just like God can? Also, Satan -- False Sense of Peace/Lies

    Out of curiosity, are you speaking of that feeling like warm waves washing over and through you and at the same time there are goosebumps on your arms?
  2. S

    Stumbling over Christ

    And even after a Christian comes to understand and agree with God's definition of murder, there is no power to overcome this sin but through trust and the Holy Spirit.
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    Stumbling over Christ

    No, it isn't the same thing, you are right. Most Christians have never physically murdered anyone. Even before they were Christians they never murdered. So the world says they are not murderers. But we all know we have murdered.
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    Stumbling over Christ

    But we also have to leave room for growth in virtue, which is to say: growth in humility, because all other virtues increase in us in proportion to growth in humility.
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    Stumbling over Christ

    Ephraim Chilling. Considering that we are ephraim (according to the poster)...we are the children of the promise, that I know. But have we made a deal to cheat death that will not stand? When He returns, will there be a lot of shocked faces from men who were taught they only have to believe...
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    Stumbling over Christ

    You r post shows that you are walking in truth. You have an honest assessment of yourself. However, you also have a misunderstanding. To walk in the truth is not stumbling over Jesus. It is walking in the truth. To admit the truth does not mean to be perfect. The two men in the temple prayed...
  7. S

    The Gospel Demands Radical Sacrifice - David Platt

    Does the sabbath rest law refer to a day or it is testifying of a Person? Does any of the law and the prophets speak and testify of anything but Christ?
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    The Gospel Demands Radical Sacrifice - David Platt

    I watched many of his videos last night. This is not the sense i got at all.
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    The Gospel Demands Radical Sacrifice - David Platt

    I couldn't go to sleep last night for listening to this man speak some more in other videos. What an amazing faith he has been gifted with for our benefit. He pierces my heart in all of its stony places - both the ones that remain and the ones that gradually grew hard again after meeting God.
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    The Gospel Demands Radical Sacrifice - David Platt

    But his teaching wasn't about money. It was about counting the cost and was about Jesus saying you must give everything up to be His disciple. The cost is your life for His life. The cost is everything you ow n.
  11. S

    The Gospel Demands Radical Sacrifice - David Platt

    Men would say she gave nothing that would help the poor because she had nothing to be generous with. But God would say she gave all she had out of her lack and had given more than a man who gave 100 coins out of his abundance. And this all times into what Platt preached in the video.
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    The Gospel Demands Radical Sacrifice - David Platt

    when you ask: how can you be generous when you have nothing to be generous with? I think of the woman who had nothing to give but her last few coins. Men might ask how she has done anything generous when she h ad nothing to give. But God does not see as men see. She gave all she had.
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    The Gospel Demands Radical Sacrifice - David Platt

    Yes, extremely powerful. I'm certain i have a book by this man somewhere. I think it might be called...Radical Christianity...
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    The Gospel Demands Radical Sacrifice - David Platt

    Because their hearts became evil and unbelieving. They were quite willing to step out under the wall of water standing up. They were quite willing to trust Him to save them. But then they wouldn't trust Him for anything else - food, water, protection. The apostle makes a forceful point. He says...
  15. S

    What must I do to be saved

    I used to understand what ralph says. But eventually I realized that He had done nothing but grow my faith more and more and that I was at a point where He was so much a part of me that there was no way I believed He was going to drop me/let me walk away/etc. But I do believe that for everyone...
  16. S

    What must I do to be saved

    Yes, I absolutely believe this. What you have just said here is this: 1 Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law. This is to say that through trusting(faith), we uphold the law. But when men seem to be saying (to me) that there is some strange imputed...
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    What must I do to be saved

    LaTour, if you come back, could you explain this a little bit more?
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    What must I do to be saved

    Yes, I know you believe I am way out of line. :) I hope he comes back too.
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    What must I do to be saved

    I think I understand that what you are asking for here is that if this man comes back and says that every time a man shows a lack of faith or lets his flesh rule him then God abandons him, then you want me to apologize to you...? I don't think the man will say that. Because he seems to...
  20. S

    What must I do to be saved

    I'm not making a strawman. You are making a deal to cheat death that can't stand. Once again, the man never said this. It is what you perceive him to have said. At least you are now admitting what he "seems" to you to believe now. This is the NNMcGee I know. At least you have made dialogue...