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  1. S

    What do I do???!!!

    I didn't say he had been here before... I said to the op that I think I remember her being here 5 or 6 months back. I just checked her previous posts and I did remember correctly. She made some posts early February. You need coffee sis? :LOL:
  2. S

    The Heresy of Annihilationism

    I haven't made it a doctrine. If you read my posts, you will see words and phrases like: I think this or that verse supports, or I believe thus and thus, or I think this and that are pretty strong support for, etc. What is the comment I keep reposting over and over and have you actually read my...
  3. S

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    MW, God is not willing for any man to perish. Do you recall that verse? You can google it and find it. So it is saying it isn't what God wants, for any man to die, to be cast into hell. So, do you see why saying that God wants/wills for some men to go to eternal death is not correct?
  4. S

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    Ah, okay, see dcon? THAT is what shrume was reacting to and why he was saying God doesn't make men just for the purpose of dooming them without giving them a choice. So he used the word predetermined, but his intent was to have the word be understood differently. Do you see?
  5. S

    Strong Women In Today's World

    I think you're gonna' be waiting a long, long time with only the crickets to keep you company. :D
  6. S

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    EG brought up the verse about predetermined, but the reason God can say He predetermined is NOT because He just chooses some men to doom without giving them any choice, but because He has seen each mans end from the beginning. Does that make sense?
  7. S

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    No, shrume, I think he just misunderstood your intent and you sort of used the word predetermined wrongly...sort of. Or maybe I'm wrong and dcon believes God doomed some and gave them no choice in the matter, but I'm fairly confident dcon does NOT believe that.
  8. S

    Strong Women In Today's World

    Oh wow, listen to all those crickets...
  9. S

    Strong Women In Today's World

    Yes, I know dino. :LOL: Was joking. :)
  10. S

    Supreme Court Ruling

    Okay, I'm sorry to bring this up again. I am not a political animal and I don't follow politics very closely at all. You can laugh at me but please don't yell at me for not understanding this. Yes, I'm ignorant about the supreme court. I thought that if the supreme court ruled on something...
  11. S

    Strong Women In Today's World

    Oh please don't say that or no woman will ever get married again...dino, all the men in here will be chasing you to kick your butt because they can't find a wife...:LOL:
  12. S

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    Okay honestly dcon, I think if you go back and read where the conversation between MarkWilliam and Shrume began over Calvinism, what shrume was saying to MarkWilliam was that God doesn't predetermine that some men are going to be damned and there's not a darn thing they can do about it. Yes, he...
  13. S

    The Heresy of Annihilationism

    I've been thinking more about this. Been rattling around in my head. When talking about destroy in the context of that particular verse (don't fear man who can only kill your body but fear God who can destroy both body and soul in hell), Strong's seems good to me with the destroy completely or...
  14. S

    What do I do???!!!

    I remember you from 5 or 6 months ago...:) Is the porn something your husband got you into and encouraged? From what I have seen, it's usually the man who talks the woman into it. I remember you talking about catching him in a dalliance with another woman online, correct?
  15. S

    What do I do???!!!

    Yeah...that's an odd remark. Gathering with other believers teaches you so much. You have to learn to bear with them, to forgive them and be forgiven, to help and be helped and so much more. Other believers, when they have grown in some virtue and walk consistently in the Spirit, teach by their...
  16. S

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    Wait...your wife is a CC member...? :unsure:
  17. S

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    Honestly, I don't see how anyone can champion any party. They're all crooked and bent for self. Both parties are ridiculous and filled with arrogant men and women who think they have a right to more and more of the sweat of our brows. Our government is a ravenous beast grown too big to control...
  18. S

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    It's okay, bob. dcon is my dear brother. I care for him and he cares for me. We have had brief squabbles before (very, very infrequently). They don't last because the Spirit works in both of us.
  19. S

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    Did you see what he was posting? Luther killed God, Luther destroyed Germany and now is destroying the U.S., the bible is just traditions written by men. And he was proposing the idea of God as whatever the community thinks is most valuable. And then he arrogantly put down a brother and...
  20. S

    The Heresy of Annihilationism

    CS1, I just want to point out that in some cases, what you would call an annihilationist doesn't actually believe that no one will face eternal torment. I think some are like me and do clearly see some will, but they also find other verses that seem to suggest some men may be shown the mercy of...