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  1. OneOfHis

    Are You Brave Enough to Post a Picture of Yourself?

    I read the BDF.🤓🤭
  2. OneOfHis

    Are You Brave Enough to Post a Picture of Yourself?

    hahaha That's the ole "get off my lawn" face. Takes decades to master. Or a photo filter app.🙃
  3. OneOfHis

    Gamers unite!

    I'm familiar with and have beaten all of these games appart from #7 and #3 I believe. I quit playing games appart from chess but I really enjoyed jrpgs and lots of other games really until my early 20s. I do also occasionally still play pokemon with my nephew on showdown 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️...
  4. OneOfHis

    The lie that we are sinless if we are saved

    People who trust in their own thoughts, words and deeds to present them as sinless before God who knows all things and is perfect probably have their own idea of what sin is and severely underestimate how righteous God is. Proverbs 21:2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord...
  5. OneOfHis

    Time for a very serious thread. What do you like on a burger?

    Acceptable burger toppings to me - Cheese - American, Pepperjack, Cheddar Bacon Jalapenos Fried egg Onion straws Ketchup Mustard Pickles Raw onion I won't add all these at once but don't mind any of those toppings. My perference is a double or triple butter smash burger with just...
  6. OneOfHis

    Should Christians make vows?

    My words can't bring any more power into my actions than God can when I lean on Him. When I hear of our vows or promises which do not hold the weight of His vows, a few verses come to mind. Ecclesiastes 5:4-6 4 When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure...
  7. OneOfHis

    I feel like I am being takin advantage of...

    This is definitely a rough situation for anyone to be in. I'm not the most wise but what I would do is pray about it and really pour my heart out to God. It sounds to me like you may have shouldered too much. (just my opinion only knowing so little) I am no father but I imagine if my son...
  8. OneOfHis

    Location roll call

    I live about 15 minutes away from Detroit Michigan.
  9. OneOfHis

    Are You Brave Enough to Post a Picture of Yourself?

    I look almost exactly like my default picture. Just a tad more confused and less sharply dressed. :geek:
  10. OneOfHis

    Dating a non believer and it’s challenges

    I wouldn't even consider starting any sort of relationship someone in unbelief beyond being their friend or someone to help them in a time of need. Spiritual wisdom will often be foolishness to them. They will be walking by their flesh. Those two will not be equally yoked, imagine a bull...
  11. OneOfHis

    What Do You (Men) Think of Ladies Living with Their Parents?

    It would not be something I'd really consider much one way or the other by itself. I think her perspective on things and the relationship she has with her family says more than where someone happens to sleep.
  12. OneOfHis

    Saved by Water

    False. You edited a cherry picked verse and implied it had meaning other than what scripture intended. You need more than me to just copy and paste a verse but to take your error and false understandings to God and pray for Him to show you truth and deliver you from your man made doctrines...
  13. OneOfHis

    Saved by Water

    Jesus is the only way to salvation. Water baptism has not redeemed anyone nor does God require that to make His children new or keep them. You misunderstand and misapply verses and in doing so belittle the finished work of Christ. Water baptism is not the baptism of the Holy spirit. I will...
  14. OneOfHis

    For the Men: Would You Choose Single Fatherhood Over Abortion if Given the Choice?

    No I didn't. You just made that up. No one said it was. You made it up. Though I didn't say anything close to that, I also didn't say I was giving advice. Because you seemed to be on the offence, and also keep assuming a bunch of things that aren't true. The most recent being the shouting...
  15. OneOfHis

    For the Men: Would You Choose Single Fatherhood Over Abortion if Given the Choice?

    The question asked if I would step back, I took that as "do absolutely nothing". If you think I'd do anything illegal you're just being silly. Nope. She could make her choice, but I certainly wouldn't allow it without doing my best to save the child. Are you hurting right now? Do you enjoy...
  16. OneOfHis

    For the Men: Would You Choose Single Fatherhood Over Abortion if Given the Choice?

    Your wording confuses me. I do not know what you're trying to say. I copied the questions I saw in the OP and followed her hypotheticals and how they could possibly fit into my life. I also wasn't looking for a reply so if she doesn't want to that's fine.
  17. OneOfHis

    For the Men: Would You Choose Single Fatherhood Over Abortion if Given the Choice?

    * If you were in a situation in which the woman you were involved with became pregnant (whether married or single, as married people get abortions, too,) and for whatever reason, she did not want to carry the baby to term, would you fight for the right to have that baby born, then take the child...
  18. OneOfHis


    I assumed (maybe wrongly) that you and I were in agreement on many of these current ongoings. We can all be wrong. I just think sometimes even if someone else is not acting their best and may be having a moment where they say something rude or less than spirit filled to another, we don't need...
  19. OneOfHis


    I'm sure we are just as capable of getting other anothers skin as they are us.... Sad but our flesh is pretty petty. This goes for everyone. I hope we can be better witnesses and also help others do the same as we grow closer to finally being rid of this skin.